Leo Can Be a Good Cook When He Wants

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(Leonardo POV)

As soon Naomi left, I got up and left the room. I looked around for anybody other than Naomi. I felt some kind of different fire in me now; confidence, I think. But all I found were the empty hallways of the lair along with the strange silence of the lair itself. Maybe they left on a patrol without me?

But it was good to relax without everyone hounding me on what I learned. When I thought of that, I sighed and decided to go to the dojo to see if Splinter was at least there. He was meditating in front of the tree, so I decided to join him.

He didn't flinch or move as I sat by him and joined him. Rather, he let out a deep breath. I thought I caught a hint of happiness. I was going to try to return to my regular self, and meditating the correct way was a start.

I entered the meditation level and continued to breath, concentrating on only that until I was lost in the void. Then I began scouring through my memory. Maybe something in here would be able to help me connect with the new Sophie. She may like many of the things the old Sophie liked. Instead of finding things that helped, however, I found myself watching her fall from the playground the first night. Watched her fall back during the training session.

My meditation ended quickly and I held my head in pain. I didn't want to think of that stuff!

"Leonardo..." Splinter said softly. I looked up at Sensei and saw him still meditating. "You worry about Sophia, but you need to start with yourself. She will notice you in time, my son."

Waiting for more, he grew silent again and I looked down at my kneepads. He was right. I needed to get into shape before I dared to try to get along with Sophie. Naomi and the girls could keep her busy while I do get my head right again. Inhaling deeply I decided that I would take a walk to clear my thoughts and see if I could meet the others coming back or around their patrol time.

So I got up and started to walk out when Julie came in from the lab. Her belly was growing each day and she looked exhausted now. She was a skinny demon not too long ago. I guess demon babies grew up differently....

"Hey, Julie," I decided to start. She looked over at me and smiled weakly. I came up to her, "Do you need help?"

"If you could...." Julie sighed. "I'm hungry..."

"What do you want? Pizza?" I offered. It was the main dish of the house. There was a 99.9% chance that I was right.

Instead, Julie shook her head. "I want some steak.. Rare..."

"I-I'm not a magic cook, Julie.." I stuttered.

"Then grab a cook book and begin!" Julie snapped, her eyes turning to me. "You offered your help."

I gritted my teeth but nodded, heading to the kitchen. I could probably ask the dragons to help me. But when I looked for them, they were no where to be found. "For the better," I muttered. They may have burnt the meat rather than turn it rare like Julie wanted.

So I looked for a thing of steak that Mikey may have hidden somewhere in the fridge. Nothing was there, so I looked in the freezer. I was instantly greeted by Ice Cream Kitty who wobbled around meowing gleefully. I smiled and pet the top of her head gently. "Is there any steak in here, Ice Cream Kitty?" I asked.

The Neapolitan cat looked about the freezer. She even moved aside some cheesicles that Sensei liked to have on the hotter days. I was starting to get disheartened until she turned around completely to the back then came back around with some New York Rib eye. Close enough...

I thanked Ice Cream Kitty and closed the freezer door before she melted. I took the Rib eye and set it in the microwave to help it defrost. I know I should keep it out for a day for that to happen, but with everything that happens in the kitchen, this is the safest way. As I waited for it to be done, I looked around and sighed at the mess everyone made. I wouldn't feel bad if Julie didn't want to clean in here.

Leonardo, You Gave Me Wisdom (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now