Poison Dragon, Angel Dragon, Night Dragon

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Whooshing air bypassed my head, making my hair go wild. I now thought I should've put it in a ponytail to keep it from getting knots and tangles in it that would be difficult to get out later. But Shol kept rising, his shoulders under me shifting and coiling to let his wings catch the air that was fighting for dominance. Beside him, Topaz laughed in the way only a dragon could, deep in the throat with a slight mix of growl and purr.

I blinked, hanging on, not sure if this was going to be the death of me or not. On Topaz, Cindy was squealing with delight like she was on a roller coaster with her hands sky high as the black dragon twirled like a rolling barrel. Shol did it once to me and I squealed with fright, clutching at his wing joints to my sides. He growled in warning and straightened out, so I left the joints alone for the rest of the flight.

The night was calm, except for my clothes and hair whipping around behind me and the fact I couldn't breathe, but I was wondering where, down in the city, Hun was. It worried me to know that I was basically stolen from in front of him. Would he search for me?

"How is it?" Cindy yelled at me over the wind. She was now relaxed over Topaz, her expression calm and free of worry, unlike me; I was clinging on Shol as tight as I could and I could feel my face muscles be stiff from the worry and everything else.

"Uh... Different!" I responded. "It's like being in a convertible!"

"We are much faster than those human's vehicles!" Topaz growled, looking over at me. "We are going slow currently, around fifty miles an hour. Our fastest speed can beat your fastest aerial craft!"

"Let's not go that fast, yeah?" I murmured, looking at Shol's shoulder blades between my legs.

We continued the flight well into the night, just before we saw the light purple of dawn. When we did see the light of the beginning of the new day, Shol banked in a three-sixty to head back the way we came. We may have been going only fifty or sixty miles an hour on the way out, but on the way in, I know we were going faster because my eyes stung and my hair slapped my back in protest, and I had to lean more forward on the white dragon. It was also a more bumpier ride as well.

When we finally landed where we entered at, I looked at the street name to make sure I know where I was so in case I ever did escape, I can know where to start looking for a way to escape. But before I could, Shol's wing got in the way as he lowered himself to fit between the door and tunnels. I never got the chance to look at the street sign.

While we were walking back to the lair, I asked Shol, "Why are you and Topaz different colors? I thought all dragons were either red or brown."

"Those are fire and earth dragons," he answered. "Very common, and are mostly written or sang about."

"Sang?" I repeated.

"Minstrels," he stated. "But there are many more dragon elements than you might expect."

"Like what kinds?" Cindy asked. Apparently she herself hadn't heard this conversation.

Shol looked at her. "For example, I am an Angel Dragon."

"Wouldn't you be more... Air-ish?" I asked. "Or are air dragons clear?"

Both dragons chuckled before Shol answered, "No, but that is a good question one may ask. No, air dragons are usually a Chinese breed with white scales and fur running down their backs. Because of their sleek form, they are able to fly swifter through the roughest air currents than one may think. But I am an Angel Dragon because I was brought up by Annabeth in the Angel Realm."

"Angel Realm?" I repeated. "Like... I heard rumors from Hun that the pink brains things that Shredder work for are from a different dimension. Does the Angel Realm fit in there too?"

"And the Demon Realm where Glitch resides," Topaz included. "But before you ask, I am not a Demon Dragon. Those foul beasts are retched and very rare. Hope you do not see one."

"Why?" Cindy asked.

Topaz sighed, "They usually drip black ichor from their bones. See, they, unlike regular dragons, do not have scales. The ichor that they were born on melted it away and absorb into their bones, making them bite with a demon's poison or stink of one."

"So what type are you then, Topaz?" I asked.

"A Night Dragon," she cooed. "They get their energy from the night and moon. There are Moon Dragons, yes, but because the moon resides in the night, Night Dragons are able to get more energy from it. We move swifter at night than day and are more nocturnal."

"Something I am trying to break," Shol muttered.

"You cannot break a Night Dragon," Topaz challenged.

We sat quiet as we neared the lair. Then I looked at my shirt that was purple then remembered the Purple Dragons, so I asked, "What are purple dragons elements usually?"

"If you are referring to your old gang," Shol said, looking at me sideways which almost made his snout hit the wall from two dragons filling up the tunnels, "purple dragons are usually and most commonly known as Poison Dragons. They are smaller than usual and their scales are barbed. They usually have head-top horns that when they headbutt you contain poison, along with their fangs. They are not a breed to mess with, Sophia."

I looked at everyone around me before looking away. Shol entered the lair along with Topaz. Cindy slid off the Night Dragon and I looked at the ground from on top of Shol, but it seemed too far away. Until the Angel Dragon crouched down and let me off. I smiled at him and went to the couch since it was the nearest thing.

"Hey! Sophie!" I heard a voice call out. I turned around and saw Donnie with some protective gloves on. "Your room light bulb is done. You can check it out now if you'd like."

"Thanks," I said as sincerely as I could. He walked off and I got up, going to the one room that they called mine. I wondered what it looked like?

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