Chapter 9: Insult On Top Of Injury

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Art credit: arpeggioem on Twitter

A single file line of kindergartners marched down the hallway; pushing through the open doors that lead to the playground. Everyone in Pearl's class had seemed so ecstatic; breaking free the second they stepped on asphalt, scattering through the school's vast playground.

In the classroom, there was order; but on the playground, there was freedom. Recess was an already coveted time; even if kindergarteners hardly had work to begin with.

Pearl enjoyed school to a degree; as she liked the classroom, and found learning pretty interesting. But it had been two months since she had started; and yet, she hadn't made a single friend.

Yes, she did have Pink; who would talk to her at times; but was mostly caught up in her own world of having friends. She had an entire group who would flock to her; a posse that would often exclude Pearl.

So recess became an uncertain time for her. It made Pearl anxious, as she was often left alone; idling around the playground equipment just to get by.

And today as she stepped outside, Pearl already knew what was coming; following Pink and her crew again. She had no other choice, as Pearl wasn't in the mood to feel lonely.

Already sulking, Pearl had dragged her feet across the grass field surrounding the playground; meeting the girls gathered around the property fence. They didn't bother to wait for her, as they all sat in a tight-knit circle with their identical school uniforms; having no room for Pearl to enter.

The fence was their spot during recess; mimicking the older elementary girls who would sit and chat there as well. It was a nice spot in general, in view of the other two buildings on campus; both the middle and high school, under the same Prince Academy name.

Pearl approached as quietly as she usually did; sitting outside of the group, as she could tell nobody was willing to let her in. If she pried, there was the possibility that Pink would let her join; as she always included Pearl the best that she could.

But at the moment, Pink wasn't even aware of her presence; busy talking to her circle, as all the girls were listening intently.

"My mommies are taking me to France!" Pink had boasted to the group. "We're going to see the Eiffel Tower, and then we're going to see the Leaning Tower of Pizza!"

Immediately, her friends reacted with coos and awe; ignoring Pearl further, as they went around sharing details of their own past vacations.

Pearl has never been on vacation, so she didn't have a story to tell, (not that they would be interested in hearing her out, even if she did have something interesting to say). All this talk about travel was hardly the subject matter Pearl wanted to hear about; as Yasmin was accompanying the Diamonds on their trip to France, leaving Bec and Pearl all alone in the meantime.

She was scared to have another one of her sisters leave. They already lost Whitney, and she was still yet to call; even if Pearl left her voicemail upon voicemail, each and every day.

Yasmin promised that she was coming back; though the idea still made Pearl's stomach turn. Before she left, Whitney had promised her too.

Frankly, Pearl couldn't stand to listen to this any longer; standing up, and brushing the grass away from skirt. She meandered onto the actual playground; shoes shuffling through the wood chips, as she was unsure on what to do.

The swings were occupied, and the jungle gym scared her; also, not too fond of the idea of playing kickball with the boys. Her only option was the slide, occupied with few other of her classmates; as they waited patiently in line.

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