Chapter 18: Golden

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Art Credit: alexandriaellisart on Instagram

This chapter is NSFW. The scene is labeled, so enjoy!

With Blair now in her life, Yelena's routine had changed for the better; her Friday's starting an hour earlier than usual, as Yelena would drive all the way to the north side of Manhattan to pick Blair up.

She had pulled up to Blair's apartment building at seven thirty sharp; punctual as always, even with the traffic unpredictable as is. They had plenty of time to make the commute before work could officially start, as Yelena always prefered to be earlier than late.

And at least her special someone was always on time; already waiting for Yelena outside.

In the process of squeezing her car in between two taxi cabs, Yelena recognized Blair almost instantly; her eye catching the familiar navy blue of her jacket— that shade on her worn so frequently, as it was now how Yelena looked for her when searching amongst the crowd.

But unfortunately, she couldn't stare for long; she was parallel parking after all— her impatience ultimately subdued by the fact that they would spend the whole commute together, alone and just the two of them.

The second her car came to a halt, however, Blair came jogging over to the passenger window; waving her hello to Yelena, who just could contain herself any longer. She was grinning ear to ear; taking in the sight of Blair as she turned over to the back door— opening so, to drop off her duffle bag for her weekend stay.

Ever since they made it official, this has been a weekly routine of theirs; Blair staying over at her apartment for the two days off they had from work— hauling her belongings back and forth, though clothes became something that was hardly necessary for the two.

Because if Yelena was being honest, their entire weekend was spent having sex all day, or doing the adjacent of cuddling; making up for the deprivation of touch the two had during the work week.

In the three weeks since becoming a couple, Yelena had learned about Blair's body, and Blair had learned hers; every curve and crevice an ingrained memory, as practice only thing more perfect, more exciting, when it came to knowing each other better.

Blair was a constant thought in her mind; her anchor pulling her back down to reality, as the thought of spoiling, touching Blair, grounded Yelena into a place where she was a lot more comfortable with herself. That what she was doing, wasn't bad like she was taught.

The feeling, the pure craze of each other, drove them to insanity; jumping on each other the moment they stepped into Yelena's apartment— the two built up and on edge from waiting all through the work week with nothing. It wasn't like they could do anything simple, like kiss, or even hold hands, in public.

Like now; parked in front of a busy street, Yelena could not welcome Blair in the way that she wanted to— too busy for them to kiss without any risk.

It made her frown for a second, as she watched Blair place what she had in hand into the backseat. Besides just her overstuffed duffle bag, Blair had a dress bag she draped across the seats as well; most likely for the dinner plans they had for tonight.

"Happy birthday, Yellow!" Blair immediately greeted afterwards; a little breathless from hauling everything, as made sure to pat the work bag slung around her shoulder before heading over to the front.

For a second, Yelena had almost forgotten that it was her birthday today. By nature, she wasn't a big fan of celebrating; but as soon as Blair found out the date, and that Bianca was planning for a birthday dinner for it, her girlfriend eagerly awaited the day— more than Yelena did herself.

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