Chapter 11: Rose-Colored

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Art credit: gelybeann_ on Instagram

In a living room as grand as the Diamonds, it was impossible for Pearl not to feel forgotten— the plushy grey couch practically swallowing her whole; as she was so small, and the sofa was anything but.

Her sisters told her to sit here while they'd finished some work up in the kitchen; leaving the TV on as entertainment, as no toys or coloring utensils were allowed on the couch. But eventually, the game show that first garnered Pearl's attention, ended and was followed by a soap opera— allowing her mind to stray of course, as she didn't find it that interesting.

Pearl would always find herself a little stir-crazy when it came to being alone in rooms like this; obvious places of importance to the Diamonds— made to be kept pristine and untouched, as if no one lived here at all.

Unlike Pink, Pearl was trusted to be left alone in places like these; even though it made her anxious to be surrounded by such priceless things. Even if she was bored, Pearl had no choice but to stay put. She was too scared just to move, in general.

As much as she wanted to, she couldn't cling to her sisters today; busy putting the house together, for a party the Diamonds were throwing tonight. While they did the majority of work last night: mopping, cleaning, and sweeping every square inch; there were still plenty of tasks left for them to complete.

It was only mid-afternoon, but both of her sisters had been working fervently since this morning. Poor Pearl, sensing their stress, tried to help them by setting up the dining table; though her sisters were too prideful to let her help out for long.

So Pearl ended up here, assuming that it would be a while before any one would acknowledge her presence, again; as Yasmin and Bec were both busy with their separate chores.

She gave an inpatient sigh; slumping into the couch cushions. Even if adults prided Pearl on being an obedient kid, she was still a five-year old, after all.

Her heart just had to settle on the TV.

But Pearl was begging for any other distraction, really; as soap operas reminded her of Whitney, and thinking of Whitney always made her sad.

When she was alone like this, it was so easy (2. Italic) for her mind to focus on these things. So Pearl closed her eyes and pleaded; wishing for something— anything to distract herself from this feeling.

Maybe it's just coincidence; but like an answer to her prayers, Pearl heard footsteps clambering down the stairs. They were fast, quick-paced; as Pearl already knew who they belonged to, before she could open her eyes.

"Pink, please be careful!" Bec's voice had echoed into the living room; as Pearl turned around at that moment, to set the scene.

Pink was already at the bottom of the staircase; only slowing on Bec's instructions, as she bunny-hopped down the last few remaining steps.

Her sister, at the top of the staircase, wasn't impressed with Pink's behavior at all; picking up her own in pace, in fear of Pink injuring herself.

"Don't mess around on the stairs." Bec scolded, as she grabbed Pink's hand; making her go down the last three steps normally. "You can't attend your parents' party, if you're at the emergency room."

"Then I won't be able to eat cake!" Pink exclaimed; the only natural consequence she could think of in the moment.

"Nope." Bec replied with the shake of her head.

Pearl watched the two, as they continued across the foyer; seeming like they were heading straight for the living room— which was definitely a relief.

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