Chapter 20: Certainty of Sunday

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Art credit: d.vainessa on instagram

Carnegie hall was warm, compared to stepping out into the freezing cold night; a shock to Yelena and her system, as for the last hour, she and Blair had been inside watching an orchestra play out on stage.

Normally, that type of performance and style of music wouldn't be on Yelena's agenda at all; though the arrangement of string instruments and woodwinds did turn out to surprise her— as visiting the Carnegie music hall was Blair's dream, and not hers. 

It was a detail she kept in the back of her mind, ever since Blair had first told her; something she pulled out of her back pocket now that the two were dating, and Yelena had an excuse to treat her to the finer things in life.

Often, the two alternated between selecting date ideas for one another; a way they could spoil each other equally, on Blair's insistence— even if Yelena had really pulled out the stops with buying their tickets.

Her reaction was truly and utterly worth it, as Blair had gushed about everything since the moment she was told they would be going; in tears when she was handed the tickets, then talking Yelena's ear off when they had finally arrived, as her eyes were lit up with excitement throughout the entire performance. Admittedly, Yelena had watched her more than she did the arrangement on stage.

Even now that show was over, Blair still couldn't stop gushing about it; the two walking side by side as they exited the building.

"What was your favorite part of the show?!" Blair wondered; as she had to be beaming brighter than Carnegie hall itself. "Mine was the flutes. Didn't they sound so pretty?!"

The couple continued down the sidewalk without any reason, really. They both should be searching for a taxi, but there was no real rush to find one yet; basking that feeling of adrenaline from the show— almost similar to leaving the theater after watching a good movie.

"I'm not sure." Yelena shrugged; said a little flippantly, even if she was grinning ear to ear.

Being with you, is what she really wanted to say, but it's too intimate to be said out here in the open— in crowded city streets, with thousands of eyes and ears.

But that wasn't the answer Blair wanted to hear, as she immediately shook her head at her.

"There has to be something!" She stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to shout. She couldn't even fake pout, as she was still so excited.

With a chuckle, Yelena nudged her to start walking again. It took every fiber in her being, for her hand not to linger on Blair's arm.

She had to be honest with Blair; it was hard not to praise and worship every bit of her.

"If you're dying to know, I'll tell you back at the apartment."

Her hands weren't lingering, but her body did lean in closer. For a second, Yelena didn't even care that they were in public; especially as Blair was flirting right back at her.

"Ooh, so secretive." Blair purred. "I guess that means we need to find a taxi."

Now, the two were walking with purpose; heading to the end of the street to have a better chance to call over a taxi.

Blair started waving at the first yellow cab she saw, but considering how busy the area was, it was likely that the car already had passengers inside.

Either that, or they could smell Blair's desperation. Taxi drivers always seemed to ignore you, when you needed them most.

Yelena was laughing; both of them finding some humor in her defeat. She joined a giggling Blair by the curb, as she was planning to help next time. Her longer arms had a better chance to catch a taxi driver's attention— on top of the fact that Yelena lived in the city for years.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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