Chapter 14: Beautiful Diasters

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Art credit: sogunadsya on Tumblr

Yelena was overdressed for the club. She was certain of this, as she left her apartment a half hour ago; living in business casual, as there wasn't much she could do to change her wardrobe at the last minute.

Usually, she wasn't one to make a huge fuss about clothes and such; as long as she was presentable, she didn't really didn't care. But Yelena found herself more worrying than usual, as she was going out with Blair; actually stressing over the details of her appearance today.

For brevity's sake, she chose a light yellow button-up, and plain black slacks, after tearing the better half of her closet apart. It was similar to what she would typically wear, as Yelena didn't want to waste anymore time, and leave Blair waiting over something ridiculous.

Punctuality was something important to her, so with the city traffic in mind, Yelena left in a taxi around six-twenty for their seven-o-clock meeting. As she wasn't expecting the nightclub to be so close to where she lived, Yelena arrived much earlier than anticipated; waiting for Blair outside in the meantime— eyeing every yellow taxi that zoomed past her.

Of course, plenty of them stopped in front of the brick building of the nightclub; though for now, the venue remained relatively vacant, as there was hardly a line out front.

It was still pretty early into the evening; as that would probably change in a few hours, give or take. Yelena was just hoping that Blair would come sooner than later; cold outside as it was still winter, and her shirt was pretty thin in its material.

No one in their right mind would bring a coat to the club, as Yelena was already worried enough about what she was wearing; watching others as they were entering the club, and nothing that she was definitely too formal.

So she cuffed her sleeves in an attempt to look more relaxed— not obviously the best thing for her bare forearms, in this kind of weather.

But throughout this, Yelena had been keeping track of the time; ten minutes turning to fifteen, as by twenty, her jaw was chattering— the wind chill brutal.

Her hands were in her pockets, trying to beat the cold; walking back and forth across the length of the building next door, when she noticed another taxi pulling over to the side of the street.

Yelena slowed her pace; keeping watch of the cab, even if she couldn't see much inside from the tinted windows. The back door would open a second later; legs popping out onto the city sidewalk, as Yelena was ashamed to recognize Blair from that alone.

They spent a lot of time together; and she knew that Blair Dorsey had an aficionado for a good pair of heels— like the strappy stilettos she had on today.

Surely, that was something Yelena shouldn't have paid much attention to, as they were friends; though she doesn't have the time to chastise herself, before the rest of Blair exited the taxi.

Holding a small clutch to her chest, Blair carefully stood from the car, and smoothed down her outfit with her other hand; her eyes searched around for Yelena— immediately lighting up into a smile, as she spotted her a distance away.

Blair threw up a wave, and Yelena was able to catch the first full glimpse of her outfit: a black, sleeveless minidress, perfectly sculpted to the shape of her body— featuring a low neckline, plunging deep into her chest.

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