Chapter 17: Bad Apples, Rotton Roots

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Art credit: chouriosdraws on tumblr

The whistling sound of the kettle was quick to warn Pearl that it probably wasn't the best to be half asleep in a kitchen. Within a second, she had jumped up from where she was at the counter finishing up her breakfast; pulling the kettle from the burner, as she switched off the gas.

At least today was slower and quieter than it was yesterday; though that lack of sleep from cleaning up after Pink's party, was still going to bother her regardless. Pearl was used to being up and early like a morning bird, but she had her limits.

Without the heat, the steam and the noise from the kettle came to a halt, as Pearl began pouring the water into a pre-prepared mug with a tea bag already inside. It was just her in the kitchen for now; as breakfast was a little disjointed this morning.

Usually, they would serve this to the Diamonds with their meal; Pearl reaching over to the coffee machine, where a pot of the beverage sat fully brewed— pouring this into another empty mug. But between her sisters still trying to tidy up the house, and continuing with their everyday routine as normal; they were running behind— trying to divide and conquer.

So Pearl wasted no time putting this together; placing the two hot mugs on a tray made for carrying— then opening the cabinet above her, for some honey and sugar.

As she searched around the shelving, her tired brain took a second to remember where the items were. Pearl could hear someone entering the kitchen; her eyes flicking over to see Yasmin carrying in a stack of plates gathered from the dining room table.

She began to chat with Pearl, as she dumped all of this into the sink.

"The Diamonds are in the living room." Yasmin informed as she started up the sink.

Pearl nodded; busy balancing the jar and the ceramic bowl of sugar cubes, as it took her a second to respond.

"There's some coffee left, if you want it."

With her chin, Pearl nudged over to the coffee pot sitting on the counter-space between them; not enough coffee for an entire mug, but an amount that Pearl would see as a waste if poured in the sink.

"I'll split it with Bec." Her sister remarked; clearly not looking at the pot well enough, to have said that.

It was hardly enough coffee for one person, but Pearl didn't say anything; putting down and arranging what she had in hand, on the tray.

All she needed now was a spoon; something Pearl wouldn't even have to reach for herself, as Yasmin would hand a clean one over.

She thanked her, of course; but after yesterday Pearl felt a bit awkward interacting with her older sister. It wasn't because Pearl held the same amount of resentment and anger that she did; but rather, she was not used to the feeling of fighting and making up with Yasmin— as not talking about, and moving past it, somehow felt as if they were avoiding the subject altogether.

To Pearl, it was obvious that Yasmin was still bending over backwards for her, whether she realized it or not. So much fun for dividing and conquering then, if she was going to go out of her way to help Pearl.

Taking the tray in hand, Pearl would leave the kitchen; trying to get her head on straight, as she didn't want to be distracted by this— especially when she was already partially out of it from her lack of sleep.

There were far greater things to worry about in the moment— like the Diamonds yelling at her for serving their drinks so late; holding out any hope for any lenience, though Pearl couldn't be certain. She didn't want to embarrass herself either by walking over there distracted, as she was lucky enough to survive yesterday without any incident; surely not needing another like the New Year's incident.

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