Chapter 10: Insight

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Art credit: drawingwithmeek on Instagram

TW/ for Vomit (kinda descriptive) and sexual assault  (vauge)
As always scenes are marked with * symbol

"...With all of this in consideration, I can safely predict that our phone sales will increase by twenty percent." Blair boasted; confident as ever, as she sat tall in Yelena's extra office chair.

In the afternoon sun of her office, Blair was no longer a stranger to Yelena.

The VP made eye contact, concluding herself perfectly; as Blair was proving why she was hired for this job. This was only a practice run of her presentation, though it could have been the real thing— Blair was more than well prepared; as she recited the majority of points from her memory.

She typed out a little cheat-sheet for herself; something to reference, if she did falter. But over the weeks that they had been practicing together, Blair had hardly used it at all; as Yelena could count the amount of times on one hand.

For once, Yelena was thoroughly impressed with one her employees; as Blair had given herself less credit than she deserved.

And yes, Yelena was the one to offer up some assistance; but Blair didn't need it creatively. She had plenty of great ideas, and just needed the extra push to pursue them; as after all, Yelena had this growing suspicion that Blair's own marketing team was getting to her head.

When Blair came in with her first draft, nearly two weeks ago; her report hardly needed to be tweaked. Her thoughts, her wording, needed to be a little more concise; but Blair had easily fixed that problem on her own.

Yelena had a lot of faith in her; as she even went the extra mile to run some numbers for Blair. Statistics, predictions— all calculated during Yelena's free time; mighty generous of her, considering that she wasn't getting any of the brownie points.

But strangely enough, Yelena had wanted to do it; as she didn't mind switching roles between them. She saw it's worth in the end; because Blair was proud of what she created.

She wasn't apprehensive anymore. Blair was no longer meek and shy. Even if it was just the two of them in this office, Blair had the utmost confidence in her presentation; finishing just as strongly as she started.

"Thank you all, for taking your time and consideration." Blair addressed as if she was speaking to a crowd. "If any of you have questions, I am willing to answer them now."

Yelena nodded; breaking the intense eye contact, as she glanced down at the physical copy of the report, in her hand. Essentially, it was the summary of Blair's entire presentation; something to hand out to stockholders, so they could remember the finer details.

It's just business. Yelena justified, as she scanned through the double-sided paper. That's that nature if it, you have to look at people.

But she needed that break for her own sanity. For the sake of being professional, as they had history between them...

One-sided; but still history, nevertheless.

"Where are my questions, Yelena?!" Blair demanded all playfully; running Yelena for a loop, as she still expected Blair to be on business mode.

Quickly, she cleared her throat and composed herself; as she wasn't going to let Blair see her off guard.

"I was going to quiz you, but I decided to give you a break." Yelena declared; handing the paper back over to Blair. "This copy of the report is perfect."

Blair beamed; taking the compliment, as she took the paper.

"Thank god we noticed that spelling error yesterday." Blair laughed; lifting the paper in the air. "I would be so embarrassed to have the wrong use of 'there' on my paper."

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