Chapter 19: Lucky

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Art credit: z33nz33n on tumblr

KFJ airport was busy and bustling with travelers; a natural pull in the air that got people moving— yet, Pearl was only seeing half of it, as they hadn't strayed anywhere farther than the V.I.P first class lounge.

This was all a new experience to Pearl, as she hadn't stepped foot anywhere near an airplane before; strange to think that she would have missed all of this, if it wasn't for the fact that Pink had forgotten her toothbrush.

Their original plan was to immediately board the private jet upon arriving at the airport; already docked and waiting to their leisure, until Pink remembered mid-drive that she left her travel toothbrush back home in her bathroom.

So this led to a quick change in plans; everyone entering into the actual airport itself, so Pink could pop into one of the gift shops— Pearl following her as well, as her sisters had handed her a twenty, and told her that she could get anything that she wanted.

Traveling had clearly gotten her sisters all excited; even if this trip would hardly be pleasure for them— or even for the Diamonds, really. It was a last minute business trip to Delmarva that was brought up on short notice; the only reason why Pink was tagging along was because it just happened to fall on their school's spring break.

By proxy, that meant Pearl could come as well; wanting to help her sisters, as they were meant to keeping house at the rental place the Diamonds would be staying at. The trip would only be two days long, but apparently the family were too important to do meger chores on their own.

But you wouldn't catch Pearl complaining at all; excitement coursing through her veins, as she scoured the small book selection of the gift shop. It only consisted of three meger shelves: kids, fiction, and nonfiction; though Pearl knew she rather waste her money on this, than on anything perishable or gimmicky.

A good book would be in her possession for a long time, rather than a snack or any useless knick knack. Of course, she still prefered the public library; but the gift shop and its fancy glass walls, was obviously catering expensive products to its richer clientele— Pearl was unsure if she would be able to afford anything else in here.

When she walked into the shop, Pearl had spotted a kiosk of luxury name brand of skincare, displayed nearby the toiletries that Pink immediately beelined too; though this time Pink couldn't be tempted by anything other than a toothbrush, as she had her debit card taken away— Yelena handing her cash for the purchase to be paid for.

And the thought of Pink, Pearl turned her attention away from the book shelf to try to look for her.

Finding a toothbrush clearly wouldn't take her that much time; Pink already having one in her hand, as Pearl found her strolling around the store— browsing around, much against her mother's insistence not too.

Pink Diamond was going to be Pink Diamond regardless; happy to skip over to Pearl's side of the store, where the stationary and souvenirs were, despite the fact that her parents and their entourage of bodyguards were waiting impatiently by the shop's entrance. They were too antsy and paranoid to wait in the lounge, as the Diamonds were trying to avoid any recognition in the first place.

It was the main reason why they wanted to avoid the airport entirely; not that they were major celebrities that could be easily recognized by any random person in public, but the Diamonds just preferred to travel in relative privacy.

Pearl had to imagine that it was less of a hassle than what the average traveler has to go through; they didn't have to wait in any long line, or worry about how many pieces of luggage they were able to have in the overhead carry-on. Literally, all they had to do was walk onto their private jet, and everything else would be taken care of.

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