Chapter 2: Empire State Of Mind

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Art by: elementalfaa on Instagram

Yelena Davidson- Yellow Diamond
Blair Dorsey- Blair Diamond
Bianca Diamond- White Diamond

Yelena impatiently tapped her fingers against the countertop of the small cafe. She had been waiting for her order for almost fifteen minutes now because of how crowded the cafe was. The line to order went all the way to the door, making the small shop seem even more tinier. Baristas ran back and forth behind the counter trying to make orders as quickly as they possibly could.

According to the clock on the wall, her lunch break would be over in a couple minutes, which would make her late for the job interviews that she and her business partner, Bianca Diamond had scheduled for today. And one thing that Yelena had learned from working with Bianca was how much she despised people being late.

It would be technically Bianca's fault if Yelena arrived late, she was the one who wanted coffee in the first place. Normally, Bianca's assistant would go out and do simple tasks like this, but she hadn't shown up to work for the past couple days. Bianca had fired her, just like the other dozens of past assistants that couldn't keep up to her standards.

"Black coffee and espresso." One of the Barista shouted as she placed the drinks onto the counter.

Quickly claiming her drinks, Yelena placed them on a cardboard tray before promptly leaving the shop.

Thankfully, the cafe was only a block away from the office building, but like always, the Empire City sidewalks were crowded with people. Making her way down the street, Yelena walked as fast as she possibly could without spilling her drinks.

Stopping at the end street, Yelena waited until the light of the crosswalk told her it is safe to cross the busy street. Cars and yellow taxis whizzed by, all in a rush to go to their destinations.

Beside her, a couple people stopped and waited for the light on the crosswalk to turn as well, all seeming just as impatient as Yelena was. Business people on their way back to their office jobs and tourists desperately waiting to explore the crowded city streets.

When the light on the crosswalk turned, Yelena continued down the street until she reached the tallest grey office building on the street.

As soon as Yelena entered the building, she was immediately noticed by a security guard.

"Ms. Davidson." The guard greeted, tilting his head upwards to Yelena.

Giving him a quick nod in a similar fashion, Yelena continued her way over to the elevator. She had no time for small talk.

Entering the elevator, Yelena pressed the button for the 25th floor, where Bianca's office was located. Their business, Diamond Corporation, had two floors located in this building. The 24th floor was where most of the employees worked, including herself, and the 25th floor was often used for business meetings.

As the doors of the elevator closed, Yelena checked her appearance on one of the mirrored walls. Bringing her free hand up to her head, Yelena ran her hand through her short dirty blonde locks, before smoothing out the imaginary wrinkles on her crisp black business suit.

Once the elevator arrived onto the 25th floor, the elevator doors slowly opened, revealing the small waiting room packed with people.

Yelena immediately frowned at the sight, mentality cursing at the thought of spending the entire day interviewing all of these people.

Walking across the waiting room, Yelena made her way over to Bianca's office. As soon as Yelena opened the office door, Bianca, who was sitting down at her desk, immediately looked up from the papers she was reading.

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