The fated meeting

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I'm new to this so please bare with me. I'm so if it sucks :/ I hope you enjoy! Also I will switch between the names. Its a bad habit, I know. I'll try to update regularly. Sorry for the bad spelling.


Vanoss POV

I made a sharp turn around the last curve before the stright shot to the finish line. I could see it now, Four pink slips and $18,000 in my hand, I smiled. This was way to easy. As I crossed the finish line I slow to a stop. I got out of my Hennessy Venom GT. It was the worlds fastest car and I just so happen to be the owner of it. Lui, my closest friend, came running up.

"You beat their butts Vanoss" He yelled over everyone in his squeaker voice. I laughed but didn't comment as I watched the other racers come in. We raced for pink slips so I was seeing what kind of cars I would have tonight. None of them were really that good so I decided to just spare them their pink slips and take the money. Lui pulled on my arm after I grabbed the money and pulled me to the bar.

"I want you to meet my friend Delirious. His real name is Jonathan but he would rather you call him Delirious." Lui smiled as he sat down next to, who I believe is, Jonathan. I sat down next to Lui.

"Hey Delirious this is Vanoss. His real name is Evan but everyone just calls him Vanoss." Lui continued to talk to him after that but I kinda zoned out while looking at this guy. He had a hockey mask over his face. You could see his mouth because the hockey masked was pulled up just enough to show off his smile. He had amazing white teeth.His hair was short but not to short. He also had a light blue jacket on, with a light gray shirt and black skinny jeans. He looked hot as fuck. Yes You heard me correct. I'm gay. So on that side note I looked away from Lui and Delirious to hide the blush forming on my cheeks.


Delirious POV

Lui sat next to me with someone I didn't know sitting on his other side. Lui said his name was Vanoss and then continued on talking about the race. I looked at the guy, Vanoss I corrected myself, seating next to my long time friend. He looked Asian and he was buff. He had a red jacket with white stripes on the sleeves and shoulders. He had a white undershirt to go with it and black skinny jeans, kinda like mine. I moved back up to his face. I could see that he had a flawless face. I couldn't see his eyes due to the sunglasses covering his eyes, even though it was dark out. I looked up at his hair. It was black and styled into a Mohawk. He was cute but I didn't know him so I'd keep my thoughts to myself in case he was homophobic. I didn't want to deal with another Tyler. I looked at all the cars.

"So who gets the cars and cash?" I asked allowed wondering who's nice Hennessy Venom that was.

"Oh Vanoss does but he doesn't want the cars so he just took the cash." Lui casually says. I whirl around to stare at the two.

"Are you Serious! You drive that beautiful car out there" I yelled nd pointed to his car. He did nothing but nod. He wasn't much of a talker thats for sure. "I'd like to see you go against the raining champ then" I said loud enough for them to hear. Lui and Vanoss looked at each other then Lui piped up.

"He is the raining champ"


Lui' POV

"He is the raining champ" I said looking between Vanoss and Delirious. Vanoss had been unusually quiet since meeting Delirious. I saw Delirious eyes almost pop out of his head.

"He what!?" He yelled drawing everyone's attention as he flew out of his chair. I laughed and nodded. He fell back into his chair in disbelief. He was mumbling something along the line's of 'I can't believe this'. I was about to say something but was cut off when someone yelled cops and everyone started to run. I looked to Vanoss.

"Meet me back at my place once you lose the cops." He quietly said to me before Running to his bright red car and quickly driving off. I turned back towards Delirious and grabbed his hand. We ran to my car and got in. We started to speed toward the exit everyone was going before getting cut off by police. I turned the car around and went out a secret way that only a few racers knew about. We drove for a bit before pulling into Vanoss' driveway.

"And now we play the waiting game." He sighed and laid my head back. This was an eventful night. Soon enough Vanoss pulled up and got out of his car. He nodded to Delirious and I as we got of my car. We walked to his front door. He unlocked it and we walked in.


CLIFFHANGER!!! Sorry! I know its a short first Chapter but I will try to make them longer. Thanks for reading. I will have an update by no later the Friday. Later! <3


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