Trying to Remember

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Heres the next chapter. This one will be in Lui' POV till near the end. Enjoy!


Lui' POV

I looked at Evan and sighed.

"Do you want to know everything since the accident?"I asked and everyone sat down. They did know about Evans past but not about why Wildcat shoot me and I just wanted to make sure that he wanted to hear now. He nodded and I sat down. I looked at the clock.


"After the accident you came to live with me. My mom and I took you in. You stayed with us when you were 18 and then you moved out. You brought me with you. We were struggling to make money so you started to race. Not NASCAR race but illegal street racing. You were doing great. You always came in the top two but when you had enough money saved up you bought a Hennessy Venom GT. It had been your favorite car. You painted it red and white." I took a breath and started to relive my nightmare. Evan smiled at me. "With us being so close, I went to every race. One day I saw Wildcat there" I paused not sure if I could go on. This has caused many nights of endless terror. Nights were Evan would curl up next to me and keep the nightmares at bay. I pointed to Wildcat. I was about to tell them why he did it.


"He said he just stopped by to say hi to you. He was being cold, hurtful, towards me. I thought nothing of it cause its Wildcat but while I wasn't looking he pulled a gun out and told me that I was stealing you from him. He shot me" Evan pulled me into a hug and that's when I realized I was crying. I pulled away. "I don't remember what happen after that until I woke up in the hospital. You told me that I was never going to leave you r side, which I haven't. That was three years ago. You continued racing since then but a year back you met Delirious and started to go out. He was gonna ask you an important question the night you crashed and that basically all that happened." I finished. He looked angry as he glared Daggers at Wildcat. Before any of us could react Evan was on top of Wildcat and beating the shit out of him.

"Why would you that!?" He yelled at Wildcat but Wildcat could answer due to the really buff dude sitting on top of him. I took Moo and I to pull him off. We moved Evan to other side of the room. I hugged him.

"Its fine. It happen three years ago." I said trying to hold in the tears.

"No it's not okay. You are not a friend. I hate you. You don't do that to Lui. Of all people!" He yelled. Suddenly he collapsed and grabbed his head. He let out a blood curtailing scream.


Vanoss POV 

It hurt so bad. I saw images of blood and Lui laying there in his own blood. I gripped my head willing it to stop. It got worse. I saw the ambulance and the ride to the hospital.

"Stop!" I yelled gripping my head. I tangled my fingers in my hair and wished it to stop. I could hear the guys talking and running. I saw a picture of Jonathan flash through my head and then the pain and screaming stopped. Everyone stopped moving and stared at me but I just cradled my head. I slowly lifted my head was met with Jonathan' worried look. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He sat down and I laid my head in his lap.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking down at me. I looked into his Blue eyes. I could get lost in his eyes. I nodded and looked around Lui, Moo and Terrorizer sat down with us. Everyone grabbed a seat on the couch. Marcel gave the First aid kit to Mini so he could patch Wildcat up. I scoffed. Nogla heard it and laughed. I smiled at him. He sat on the other side of Jonathan.

I felt my eyelids get heavy and before I knew it I was fast asleep in Jonathan' lap.


Well there you have it. Wildcat is a Jealous Prick. Just kidding I love Tyler. I hope you enjoyed. Vote and Comment.


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