I'm only human

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Hey guys! So this Chapter will probably be mostly in Evan's view. I'm sorry. Next chapter will be Jonathan's view. Any Enjoy!!!!


Vanoss POV

I couldn't get what Jakob said out of my head. How did he know that my parents weren't around? I'm so confused. Why is my life falling apart? Why can't I keep it together? 'Help me Mom. You are my rock but you aren't here anymore.' I thought to myself as we drove back to my place. I just wanted to be alone and not have anyone bother me but I know that it would work like that. Everyone is going to wonder if I'm okay. They do every year. I sighed as I parked my car and got out. I walked to the door and got ready to answer questions. I opened the door but instade of being met with questions I was met with silence. No one was here. That was weird. I looked around the house till I found a note that read:

Hey Babe,

We decided to go out to a movie. We know you wanted some alone time so please enjoy. We should be back around four maybe five. I love you and be careful.

Love, Jonathan

I looked at the clock It was 2:37. I have some time. I guess It's time for my monthly visit. I grabbed my jacket and walked to the cemetary down the road from my house. As I entered the Graveyard I looked around at the empty place. No one likes to visit cemetarys because of bad memories but it is always peaceful here. I walked to the well known row and sat down in front of the two graves. I looked at the grave stone and read them for the millionth time.

Morgan and John Fong

1968- 1997

Loving parents, Friends, and Family

I didn't know I was crying till I felt a tear land on my hand. They were gone after eleven years of my life. I wish it was earlier so I wouldn't of known them. I know that's bad to say but I sometimes can't stand the pain. I'm still Human. I still feel the pain that I don't show. I still cry myself to sleep some nights. I laid down next to their grave and drifted to sleep with tears still streaming down my face.

*Time Skip*

I awake the next morning to Birds chirping. It was still a little cold out due to Winter but all the snow was gone and it was warming up. I stretched and stood up. I kissed the grave stone and walked off. I got back to the house within fifteen minutes. When I walked into the house I, again, was met with silence.

"Guys?" I yelled. I heard a shuffle then saw a blur of blue before I was tackled to the ground by a sobbing man.

"EVAN!" He yelled. I looked down to see Jonathan. I look around and see Lui, Basically, Nogla, Cartoonz, Moo, and Terrorizer all looking down at uss.

"Where were you last night?" Moo questioned.

"At the grave yard. I fell asleep there. I'm sorry I worried you Jonathan." I kissed his head and pushed him away. He punched my arm then latched onto me again. This is why I love him. He is adorable. I smiled down at him.

"I need time to my self and I mean I am only Human. I still have feelings and I was just talking to mom and dad. I'm really sorry that I worried you guys. I just wanted to spend time with them. I would never leave you guys." Everyone had a smile on except Jonathan but that is because he was worried. I am only human. That is all I ever will be.


Alright guys!. Tell me what you think. Vote and comment. I'm sorry if there are spelling error's. I'm not 100%. Im Only Human. I'm going to start another story soon. probably going to be called 'The concert'. Hopefully it good. <3


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