The new Enemy and a Jealous Evan

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Hey guys I'm back. This is going to be another race. Evan becomes jealous and I hope it turns out great.


Vanoss POV

        I pulled up to the next race and sat in the car for a second. It was three minutes to midnight. The race starts at 12:37 on the dot. I looked at Lui. This was the spot that he got shot two years ago. We havent been back since. Lui smiled at me and got out of the Hennessey. I followed suit. People knew my car so when I pulled up people were already surrounding my car. I found Delirious with Lui. They were talking and I sighed. I smiled at them. They knew so much about me. I heard a loud ass car pull up and I turned around. A blue powdered Mustange pulled up. They are good for looks but sucks at races. I laughed. If he plans on racing then he is going to lose. People don't play here and that is what I love about it.

        The person got out of the car as I walked to Delirious, who just so happen to be next to the car. Delirious smiled at me and continued talking to Lui. I watched as he looked around at the cars before stopping at mine. He gave a creepy ass smile before grabbing the closet person before asking a question and pointing at the car. The Lady pointed to me. 'Shit. Don't come over here' I thought but of course the world was against me as the man walked over.

        "Hi gentleman. My name is Jakob and I was wondering which one of you owned that Hennessey Venom GT over there?" He asked and no one said a thing. He had  light brown hair and a while shirt with blue pants.  very simple if you ask me.  Lui looked at me and I gave my head a short shake which the guy didn't seem to notice as he was staring at Delirious.

        "You are really handsome. Are you with someone?" The guy, Jakob I bitterly reminded myself, asked Delirious as he put his hands on MY boyfriend. Delirious pulled away from him.

        "As a matter of fact I am. I'm with an Amazing guy thank you very much." He smiled and giggled to himself.

        "Well we should have some fun. He doesn't have to know." Jakob was digging himself a grave. Lui looked at me and shook his head before clearing a throat and changing the subject.

        "Why do you wanna know who's car it is?" He used his normal voice because they guy was a threat and he knew it.

        "Just wondering" He smiled. I gave an evil grin.

        "It's my car." I smirked bigger. "Why?" He turned his face down. What happen next happened without me fully realizing it. He threw a punch and I ducked. I did and upper cut and felt it connect. Jakob stummbled back. I felt Lui stand next me and Delirious on my other side. I knew they had my back. Behind Jakob I saw Nogla, Basically, Moo and Terrorizer.

        "Watch your back Vanoss." He smirked before walking away.

        "How did he know your name?" Lui asked shocked. I shrugged but stayed quiet because he made me think of Wildcat and Mini for some reason. I walked to my car. I didn't wanna stick around.

        "Lets head back to my place." Everyone had followed me and nodded before getting in their cars. Delirious and Lui came with me.


It's not the best chapter I know. Vote and Comment. Love ya Guys!


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