A day out with the gang

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Heyyyy my lovely readers. There isn't much i have to say but I hope all of you have a lovely day.


Vanoss POV

After Breakfast we all decided to hang out and find a place to go. We all decided to just go shopping. Everyone got into the two cars and we left to go look around. We ended up at the mall. We were all walking through the mall when I saw my couch for my old hockey team.

"Hey Mr.Greenwell" I said and he looked up from his newspaper that he was reading.

"Evan my boy!" He hugged me and pulled away "Do you still go to the same rink that we use to practice at?" He asked and I nodded.

"I don't go there very often but when I do its just to think. Usually its about Mom and Dad" I sighed. He patted my back and looked at the guys behind me.

"You shouldn't of given up on hockey Evan. We all know it was your life but I understand why. Your parents were so into and supported you. They were there for every game. I can understand why you don't want to go back there." He smiled and i just gave him a sad smile and looked at the floor. I hated looking weak in front of my friends. He nodded. " I'll let you get back to shopping. Have fun and be safe" He smiled again and waved us off. We continued walking and soon stopped at Spencers.

Jonathan ran into the store to look at shirts. We laughed at how excited he was for this.

"Evannn! Can I get this?" He pouted and looked at me. I put on a fake smile and nodded. I was still upset about the conversation with my old couch but I didn't want to bring everyone down. We bought the shirt that he wanted and went on our way. We decided to get food.

"I want Wendys" Nogla yelled running away with Marcel and Lui following. Moo and Terrorizer headed for a Chinese place and Jonathan pulled me to a pizza joint and ordered pizza. I stayed quiet as he ordered and then the guy behind the registure handed us our food and we left. We sat down with the others before a random chair was pulled up and Jakob sat down.

I sighed. I'm really not in the mood for this guys shit right now. I looked at the time.


"Hey Jonathan. Wanna go with me to the movies?" Jakob asked

"No I'm good" He replied. Lui caught my eye and shook his head. I breathed slowly.

"Aww why not? I'm sure your friends won't mind." He pushed on. Jonathan shook his head no.


Jakob grabbed Jonathan' hand and pulled him up. Jonathan on the other hand wanted to sit back down.

"Can you stop." He stated before trying to pull his hand away. I blacked out after that.


Delirious POV

"Can you stop." I said getting very angry. The next thing I know Evan is on him and beating the shit out of him. Evan didn't show anger on his face he just had a blank expression as he beat the shit out of Jakob. Moo pulled Evan off and started to pull Evan out of the mall. We all ran from the food court and out of the mall. We piled into the two cars. Moo climbed into the front seat of the jeep we took and started it up before speeding off.

The ride to Evan' was quiet. I didn't know what to expect when we got back to his house. When we got to Evan' house we all went inside and Evan sat down and turned on the T.V like it never happened. None of us had the courage to ask him why he did it so we all just sat down and watched T.V too. We needed to relax anyhow. Evan had another Race tonight. Hopefully it would be okay.


ALLLLLLRIGHTY THEN! that was this chapter. Sorry for not updating sooner. I've been tired lately and its horrible. Maybe another chapter, all I know is that you wont like next Chapter because something happen to Evan. Laterrrrrr!


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