Starting over

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So these next few chapters will be spread out depending on if I can come up with Ideas. Hopefully it will be good. Enjoy!


Delirious POV

It's been months. Everyday I go to check on him. Everyday I hold his hand and ask him to come back. I tell him I love him and I sing songs to him. I'm just sitting in his room right now and reading a book and holding his hand. I felt his hand twitch and I looked at him. Hi eyes fluttered open. I quickly stood up and ran out yelling for the doctor. He ran in and started to check everything. After about three hours he came out and frowned at me.

"Jonathan we have a problem." He stood by me and I stood up. "He has memory loss. We don't know how much it has affected his brain. We don't know about who he remembers or what he remembers. He does remember the basics of everything. Just be gentle. You can go see him." He stepped aside and waited for a second.

"Thank you Doctor" I texted everyone and told them Evan was awake and I only got one text back from Lui.

 "Be there in 20" I smiled and stood at Evans hospital door. I sighed and opened the door. I walked in ready for the worse.

"Hey Evan." I smiled a sweet smile. He smiled back then it faltered.

"I'm sorry but I don't know who you are." Evan looked down. He had a hurt look on his face.

"My name is Jonathan. Some people call me Delirious but seeing as you are my boyfriend, you call me Jon, or Jonathan" I told him. His eyes grew wide.

"YOUR my BOYFRIEND! Holy shit. I'm really fucking lucky to have a good looking guy like you. You are sexy as fucking hell. Wait how did we meet?" he asked. I blushed from the compliments.

"We met at a race. You were the best racer out there. We met through Lui." I smiled as I sat down by his bed. He gasped.

"You know Lui?!" He almost yelled. At that moment Lui ran in and hugged Evan.

"Evan!" He cried. Nogla, Marcel, Mini, Wildcat, Moo and Terrorizer walked in.

"Who are you guys?" Evan pointed to everyone else. I spoke up when everyone else could say anything.

"Evan these are your friends." I introduced everyone and they all seemed to catch on that he didn't remember.

"Cool!" He yelled. "I'm so glad I have such cool friends" He smiled big and I fell more in love.


Vanoss POV

I'm still kinda shocked that this man, Jon, is with me. He is Amazingly Beautiful! He seemed like he would be nice to go out with. I shrugged. I stared at him for a while before he got up and walked out. I sighed as he left and I saw Lui smile.

"What?" I asked. He smiled bigger and covered his mouth.

"You know, You and Jonathan have been together for about a year now. I doubt you would remember all of it but you guys make the best couple. I remember this one time you were sick and he spent every second worrying about you. He would sleep on the floor next to you so that if you got up he would know and could help you. He loves you." Lui finished. As soon as Lui said 'He loves you' I felt a shock and then saw the shared kisses and silent cuddle at night. I remember the dirty moments and fun that my friends poked at us the next day at breakfast. I gasped.

"Jonathan..." What was I missing? Why did it hurt to remember? UGH! So many questions, to little Answers! I need Answers.

"Tell me more." I said as I looked at Lui. Before he could continue Jonathan came back in.

"We can go home." He said. I smiled and started to get up. I wanted out of here. Jonathan quickly came to my side and helped me. I got changed and then we went home. When we got home everyone sat down in my front room.

"So tell me more." I smiled and sat on the edge of my seat. I knew it was going to be a long night. I just wanted to know.


ALRIGHT! I hope you enjoyed and I hope I did good. It might be a little slow for now but it will be good. Vote and Comment!


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