The Date!

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HEYYYYYY! SOOOO BOOO! Anyway I was sick and now Im good. :/ This will be Delirious POV and a little of Vanoss' POV maybe Lui' but I might not get to that. ANYWAY! ON. TO. THE. STORY!


Delirious POV

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring some song that I truly didn't pay any attention to. I hit the snooze button then tried to get up only to be pulled back down by Evan. I smiled and kissed his forehead as I got up. I went and made breakfast. Eggs with Bacon. It was Evan' and Moo' favorite breakfast. As I finished making it everyone came down stairs. I placed the plates on the table and smiled.

"Good morning everyone" I smiled happily before sitting. Evan kissed my check and sat next to me.

"BACOOOOOOOOOOON!" Moo yelled as he jumped in his chair and proceeded to shovel bacon in his mouth. Everyone laughed. Marcel sat next to Lui, who was beside Evan. Nogla sat on the other side of me with Moo and Terrorizer next to him. Sitting across from me was Cartoonz. I smiled at him as I ate.

"SO! Delirious do you want to go on a Date tonight with me?" Evan said as I turned to look at him. It would be our first proper date. I nodded, seeing as my mouth was full of food. He smiled as he finished his plate. We cleaned up and went on with our day.

*Time skip :P*

I looked into the mirror. I was scared but I looked good. A blue tight V-neck with Black skinny jeans and Blue converses. What can I say, I like the color Blue. I smiled as I left the room and walked to the front room. Evan was standing by the door, He smiled. He was wearing a black V-neck with Red skinny jeans and Black converses. I chuckled a bit. He adores Red. It was perfect.

"You ready?" Evan asked and I nodded. "Good. Lets go!" He bounced like an excited puppy. I couldn't help but laugh.

When we got to the restaurant Evan smiled at the waitress as she sat us.

"Thank you." He said politely expecting her to walk away but she didn't instead she sat her ugly ass down on the table. I sighed. She started to talk with Evan.

"Well hello Cutie. So what would you like to drink?" She pushed her boobs up and pulled her shirt down to show her fake boobs off. Evan can see my disgusted face.

"I'll just have a coke and Delirious?" He nodded to me. I smiled and said coke too. She wrote it down then left.

"I swear I'll cut her if she touches you." I said through gritted teeth. She returned after a while and slipped a paper to Evan, which i presumed was her number. He slid it back over to her.

"I'm taken. Sorry." He smiled and looked at me. She grabbed his hand and I snapped.

"Bitch! get your nasty ugly ass hands off my man!" I stood up and removed her hands from MY boyfriend. She gave me a nasty look.

"Oh sweetie you can do so much better then him." She laughed.

"And you think you are better. I bet you have slept with more guys then you can count. You probably have an STD and You would probably cheat on him in less then a week cause he doesn't fuck everything that walks!" I yelled before stomping out of the place with Evan following behind me. We got in the car and went home. It was quiet the entire way home. When we got home and got out of the car Evan grabbed me and pulled me to his room.

"That was so hot!" He quickly kissed me and started to remove his and my clothes.


Vanoss POV

I woke up the next morning naked and the memories of last night coming back to me. I looked down at Jonathan to see him naked as well. He is going to be sore for the next few days. I smiled and kissed him before getting out of bed and getting dressed.

I walked down stairs to be met by everyone. They all smiled. I made breakfast for everyone and Jonathan walked down half way though breakfast and sat down. I saw him wince and felt bad. I looked at everyone and they all had smiles on.

"Why is everyone smiling?" I asked. Lui started to giggle as Marcel spoke up.

 "OH yes Evan! Right there! yes!" He mimicked Jonathan' voice and Nogla spoke up next.

 "Fuck yes Jonathan! Yes! oh my gosh yes!" He mimicked my voice. Both Jonathan and I were beet red and sat quietly. Moo laughed and elbowed me.

"It's okay they did the same to me and Terrorizer" He laughed again and I smiled getting up to clean the plates. I can't hate them for it. It was our fault for being so loud.


Alrighty! thats the end of this chapter. Vote and comment. Thank chu! >.<


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