The Scare of a life time

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This is gonna be a shorter chapter then usual. I'm sorry but something big is going to happen.


Vanoss POV

I sat at the starting line staring into space. I was just so distracted. I had this really bad feeling that someone was gonna get hurt. I shaked the feeling off and realized the race was about to start. Jakob pulled up next to me and gave me an evil grin. I ignored it. The girl let the flags drop and we took off. I was in 2nd. Jakob was in first. Again It was only because I was distracted. As soon as I started to pass him at speeds of 134, He quickly hit the back end of my car causing it to spin out and flip. My last thought was Jonathan and then I blacked out.


Delirious POV

It all happened in slow motion. They were right in front of the finish line and Evan went to pass a driver when they hit the back end of his car sending him flipping. Everyone gasped and I widened my eyes. I couldn't believe it. I pulled out my phone and called 911. I don't care if we were illegally racing. Evan' life is in danger.

"911. What is your emergency?" Said a calm voice. I was panicking.

"Help! Evan is in a bad car wreak. Please please!" I cried as I ran over to the flipped car. I threw the phone to Lui and went to pull Evan out. When we finally got him out we could see the ambulance. I didn't care for the pitied looks or people saying sorry. I just held Evan and cried. 'I couldn't lose him. Not now. Please god, if you are real, don't take him away from me. Please!' I thought to my self.

Lui pulled me away from Evan as they loaded him into the ambulance. I climbed in and held his hand. I cried more and kissed his forehead.

"Please don't leave me" I whispered. One of the men in the ambulance looked at me.

"Who is he to you?" He asked. I looked directly into his eyes.

"He is my soon to be fiance." I said as I pulled a small velvet box out of my pants pocket. "He is the reason I haven't killed myself. He takes care of me and I love him with all my heart. He does things for people even when they don't deserve it." I cried harder and the guy rubbed my back.


When we got to the hospital I was told to wait in the waiting room. I sighed and covered my hand. Lui, Marcel, Moo, Terrorizer, Nogla, and surprisingly Mini and Wildcat came running up to me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and Mini and Wildcat grabbed hands.

"Evan may hate us but we are still his friends no matter what." Wildcat said standing his ground. They had a point so I wasn't going to argue. I nodded and covered my face again. I silently cried until the doctor came out.

"Evan fong?" He asked. I stood up and walked to him.

"How bad is it? Will he survive?" I asked hoping it wasn't as bad as I thought.

"He is very much alive but he is in a coma. we don't know when he will be awake or if it will affect his memory. You may go see him" He stepped aside. I run into his room. 'Please come back to me.' I thought as I grabbed his hand.


WEELLLLL DON'T KILL ME *hides* I'm sorry. Vote and cooment


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