Chapter 1: Grief

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Marceline's P.O.V (Writing)

Dear Diary:  It's been a few months now since Bonnie and I broke up, and it's been weird to say the least.  I feel sad but at the same time, I feel more lost than sad.  Sure Bonnie and I had some great times, laughs, fights, everything really.  But something about the split makes me feel off, like something is missing. 

*Shuts Diary
It's very quiet around here, I haven't seen or heard much of anything since I got back other than the normal sounds of wind and birds.  Maybe i'll try and write a new song, keep myself occupied rather than sitting in silence stuck in my head.
Marceline floats up to her room, grabs her bass and brings it down to the living room and begins thinking about new riffs and lyrics to create a new song.  She sits for a while trying new notes with new sappy lyrics to try and satisfy her creative itch but nothing seems to really click for her.  After about an hour or so she takes a break and goes to the kitchen to fix herself a snack.
"Maybe some food will help me focus." Marceline says as she opens the fridge to grab a bowl of strawberries.  She sits down on her couch and sucks the red from her strawberries as she hears a knock at the door.
"Who is it?" Marceline asks. "it's 2 in the morning, who could be knocking at my door this late?" she thinks to herself as she floats to the door.  She opens the door and her eyes widen.
"Hey Marcy." A familiar voice says. 

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