Chapter 11: Misunderstanding

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Finns P.O.V

I can't believe I did that.  All I did was call Princess Bubblegum, I wasn't doing it to cause any problems.  I was worried but trying to be supportive, glob why do I screw everything up.  I sat in the rain for hours, a mixture of crying and yelling, trying to just get it out.  Eventually, I got up and walked the rest of the way to the treehouse.  I walk into the empty treehouse, it's freezing in here.  It was very dark due to the clouds, I can barely see, but I didn't care.  I didn't care about anything at that moment, all I cared about was ending this day.  I went upstairs to my room, it was the first time I had really been up there since I was staying with Marceline.  I set my bag down, and just flopped into bed.  I didn't even have the energy to change my clothes, I just laid down immedietly.  I sat there, shivering with tears rolling down my cheeks. I laid there for hours until I eventually drifted off.

Marcelines P.O.V
I can't believe him. I thought he really cared but he is still stuck up on Bonnie, I mean why else would he call her?? Glob I was so stupid, I let myself open up to him and he turns around and does this. I floated up stairs filled with rage, laid in my bed, and drifted off trying to forget it all. I woke up the next morning almost exactly how i went to bed, angry as can be. I floated downstairs and grabbed a snack and sat on the couch. I didn't have much to today so I just sat there angry, then I remembered, Bonnie. I gave her a call pretty soon after the thought popped in my head, it was pretty early but she answered quick. We talked for a few minutes and agreed to see eachother for lunch at the Candy Kingdom. I got dressed, grabbed my umbrella, and walked out the door.

Finn's P.O.V
I woke up with a knot in my stomach, the sun wasn't even up yet and I was wide awake. I dragged myself out of bed and made some tea that was left in the cabinet. I felt terrible, I felt worse than I think I ever have. I take the ladder up stairs to the top balcony of the treehouse and just sit there. It was very peaceful up there, quiet, but peaceful. The sun began to rise soon after I got up there, it was beautiful. It made me feel a little better, I couldn't help but smile at it. I felt so comfortable in fact I ended up falling asleep for a few hours. I wake up at around 9 and I felt great. I wasn't very sad I didn't have that knot in my stomach I felt pretty okay! I sat up and stretched when out of the corner of my eye i see something moving down on the grass. I rub my eyes and look down, and my heart drops. It was Marceline. I lowered my head so she wouldn't notice, what was she doing out here at this hour? It's bright as can be outside she hates going for walks for no reason. Then I realized she was heading straight for the Candy Kingdom. Tears began flooding my eyes, I could barely see. Did she really forget about me that quickly? She's going to see PB right after our fight? I fell to the ground holding my stomach, crying harder then I had when I was still waiting for Bubblegum. I felt so alone.

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