Chapter 14- Time

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Finn's P.O.V.
I woke up the next morning confused.  I don't remember falling asleep, but when I looked at my pillow and saw the large wet streaks on my pillow, it wasn't hard to remember.  I got out of bed and the sun was blaring in the window, I must have slept in.  I check the time and it's already 2 PM, I never sleep this late.  I get up and throw on some old clothes and make my way down to the kitchen.  I make myself some tea and sit down holding it close to me.  I didn't feel sad this morning, just kinda, empty.  My inside voice was quiet, not really thinking about anything just a whole lot of nothing.  I sat there for quite some time until there was a loud boom outside, followed by a bright light.  It began to storm hard outside, but it was kind of soothing.  Hearing the rain hit the window and the wind blow against it was very nice to listen too.  I laid back and closed my eyes, drifting into sleep.

Marcelines P.O.V.
I sat down stairs in silence.  I didn't have any energy to play my bass or write any lyrics, no drive for anything.  Then, it began to storm.  The wind and thunder rattled my house.  I usually love storms and rain but this time, I didn't really feel anything.  Just an empty shell sitting here, I wasn't sad or mad, just kinda there. I can't just sit here in this, I have to get out of here.  I floated quickly upstairs, threw on some clothes, and left.  I went through OOO in the rain, no umbrella, just letting the water hit me.  I went around for some time until I ended up near the treehouse.  Lightning flashed behind it illuminating it's outline.  No lights were on, just a dark silhouette.  I began to get a knot in my chest looking at it, as a tear went down my cheek, hidden by the rain.  I couldn't stay away this time, so I headed towards the treehouse.  Before I knew it, I was at the door step, nervous as can be. I raised my hand to knock but the wind from the storm pushed the door open.  I didn't want to just walk in but something inside me thought it was a good idea.  I floated inside, the place was empty and dark.  Finn didn't really have anything in the entry way, just full of dust.  I quietly floated upstairs to the kitchen.  It was in disarray but still orderly in a way.  Cups and plates around but nothing gross.  I scanned the area and then my heart dropped.  Finn was right there, asleep.  A tear dropped down my cheek as I smiled getting to see him again.  I floated quietly up to him and just admired him, he looked so peaceful.  I sat for a few minutes just keeping his company until his eyes began to open.

Finn's P.O.V.
I slowly opened my eyes and I saw her.  I shot back and gasped, I was still half asleep so it caught my off guard.

"Marceline, W-What are you doing here?" I said nervously
"Oh uh, I was taking a walk and I saw the door open so I thought I would pop in." Marceline said staring at the wall.
"After this whole time out of no where you just decided to pop in?" I said angrily
Marceline was staring at the floor in front of me
"Well I-I just wanted to see if everything was okay in the storm." Marceline said stuttering
"Cut the act, why in globs name did you show up now?" I said standing up.
"Okay fine I miss you Finn, im scared to say it but I flippin miss you, more than anything." Marceline screamed.
"You-you miss me?" I said beginning to tear up
"Of course I miss you dummy, you're amazing. I just was hurt and I needed a little time to figure stuff out. I felt betrayed once you called PB, like you were going to fall for her all over again." Marceline said crying.
"Marcy I thought you were falling for PB again, I didn't know what to do I panicked." I said shakily

Marceline looked at me while tears flowed down her face. Her eyes were glowing. Even while she was crying she looked beautiful. I looked at her with a small grin and opened my arms for her. She looked down at my arms and then back at me, as she lunged towards me and squeezed me tighter than ever. I could barely breathe but I didn't care, I wrapped my arms around her and cried into her shoulder as she cried into mine.

"I'm sorry Finn, for everything" Marceline muttered inbetween gasps.
"I'm sorry too Marceline, I never meant to make you feel this way." I said muffled by her shoulder.
"I promise to never leave your side again Finn." Marceline said as she began to cry harder.

My heart felt warm, It felt like years since I got to hold her again. I am not donking up this chance. I finally get my chance to be better for not just her, but for myself. I will prove to her I am worth it.

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