Chapter 18- Second Chances

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Marcelines P.O.V.
After Finn left my house, part of me felt lost.  I didn't fully trust him, but being away from him was worse.  I didn't know how he felt about me at all.  We barely talked for days, little things here and there but no more than 5 minutes talks, I just needed to see if he was consistent with how he was acting.  I didn't want him to think if he got me back he didn't have to be himself around me.  But even with the front I put up, it didn't change how I felt about him.  Finn made me feel safe, he made me smile, he made me truly happy.  I couldn't just let that slip away.  I threw on some nicer clothes and rushed out the door towards the treehouse.  My mind ran with thousands of different thoughts, but I didn't care, I had to see Finn.  I arrived at the treehouse and the door was still open.  I went in and went upstairs, but Finn wasn't up there.  He wasn't in the kitchen or on the couch, so I kept looking around.  I went up into his room and saw he was passed out.  He had  just left my house not too long ago and now he was fast asleep.  Not too long after I got up there his eyes opened, and he shot up.

"Marceline? What are you doing here? I just left not too long ago." Finn said confused

"I missed my hero." I said staring at the ground

I felt my cheeks get red very quickly after saying that. Finn didn't say anything afterwards and I couldn't look up, I was too nervous. After a little while, I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I look up to see Finn looking right into my eyes, smiling ear to ear.

"I missed you too." Finn said as he wrapped his arms around me.

I felt like a weight had been lifted off of me. I wasn't scared or nervous anymore, I just felt safe. Finn cared so much for me, and it was hard to see for a little bit, but even after all the time putting up a front acting like I felt a certain way, he stayed by my side. We sat for a while hugging eachother before pulling away and just smiling at eachother.

"Let's get out of here Marcy." Finn said smiling

"Huh? Where would we go?". I said confused

"Who cares. We can go anywhere, I don't care where we go, but let's go somewhere. Let's get away from everything for just a little while." Finn said confidently.

I smiled back at him.
"Okay hero, let's go.". I said excitingly

Finn grabbed his pack quickly and we rushed out of the treehouse. It was basically pitch black outside with a little light from the stars, it was beautiful outside. Finn and I rushed across the fields laughing the whole way before Finn began to just tumble down one of the hills laughing the whole way down. I rushed down to him and wrapped my arms around him so we could roll down together. We finally slowed down at the bottom of the hill, Finn was below me laughing so hard, his laugh was so contagious I couldn't help but laugh with him. Finn pulled me down to wrap me in a hug continuing to laugh. I had never been this happy with someone.

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