Chapter 19- Time for Adventure

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Finn's P.O.V.
Marceline and I laid on the ground for a while, still dizzy from rolling around. I haven't laughed that hard since Jake was still around, it felt amazing. We stood up to gather ourselves and continued on through the grasslands. We wandered around for a long time just admiring the sky and how everything looked so peaceful at night time, no wonder Marcy loves the night. I look over at her and see her focused on the sky, she looked so at peace. I made sure she didn't bump into anything if she wasn't paying attention, even though the fields were mostly just grass and hills. We walked for hours, and before we knew it the sun began to rise. Marceline opened up her umbrella and we continued on our way until we reached a big dip in the fields. We looked over to see a large cavern full of dirt and rocks, It reminded me of the place Jake, PB, and I got stuck in one of Bubblegum's ships, and James had to save us from those weird mutant-looking things. I slid down and Marceline followed. Marceline looked around, I noticed she looked somewhat concerned.

"What is it Marceline?" I said curiously.

"Something about this is familiar, I'm not sure exactly why, but I feel like I've been here before." Marceline said confused.

We continued to explore the area until we found a split in one of the walls of the area. We went through to see what was on the other side and were surprised to find a town, or what was left of one. The area was full of broken-down buildings, some missing entire floors. They looked to be blown up from all different areas. Some were leaning one way, with others completely taken over by plants. The ground was mostly concrete with a plethora of holes surrounding the area.

"Man this place is weird looking, it looks super old too huh Marceline?" I said looking over at Marcy.

Marceline's eyes were wide open, she looked terrified but also sad.

"Marceline?" I said concerned.

She didn't answer, her eyes fixated on one of the broken buildings in front of her. She placed her feet on the ground and stood completely still for a while before falling to her knees. I quickly sat down next to her wondering what was going on.

"Marceline? Are you okay? What's going on?" I said franticly.

Marceline took a deep breath and looked at me.

"This is where I spent most of my time when I was younger. Simon and I would roam around the area looking for whatever we could find. Food, shelter, pretty much any sign of people. The town used to be beautiful before the war. I remember coming up to one of the buildings and seeing fire across the entire town. It was awful, even worse when Simon left." Marceline said beginning to choke up.

"Hey hey, Its okay. Maybe we can find some cool treasure around here, make some new memories so its not so bad anymore." I said trying to cheer her up.

Marceline wiped her nose and looked at me.

"This place is full of terrible memories, Im not sure if I can go." Marceline said sadly.

I grabbed her hand.

"We can get through this together, I won't leave your side." I said slowly helping her up.

Marceline smiled at me.

"Okay, lets do this together." Marceline said.

I have no idea what's in here, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited. Marceline and I looked at each other and held hands as we ventured toward the remains of the town.

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