Chapter 12- The Unknown

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Marcelines P.O.V.

The sun was blaring out this morning, I had my umbrella but I could still feel the heat beaming on my head.  It was very pretty out though, I'm usually not out at this time so this is a nice change of pace.   I passed by the Treehouse, I didn't even bat an eye at it.  I did not want anything to do with Finn at the moment, so I kept my head up high and kept moving towards the Candy Kingdom.  I heard a little rustling coming from the Treehouse as I passed by, it caught my attention pretty quickly but I had to ignore it.  It sounded like fast movement and then a slight thud, but whatever, not my problem.  Eventually, I made it to the Candy Kingdom and was greeted by some banana guards.

"Evil Alert!!  Oh, wait, Marceline!!"  One of the guards said screaming

"Hi, Marceline!"  The other guard said excitedly. 

I'm not sure why I went through the front instead of just floating up to Bonnie's room but no going back now. 

"Uh hey, I'm here to see PB."  I said trying to get through this quickly. 

The guards proceeded to fumble around trying to move out of the way but eventually, I was able to get into the kingdom (finally).  I went through heading to the castle, looking around at the kingdom.  Bonnie really changed this place up since the last time I was here.  Everyone seemed more civilized rather than running around laughing and playing.  Yea they were still the same candy people, always sweet and happy but they seemed more structured now.  I made my way into the castle and was greeted by Bonnie. 

"Hey Marcy, good to see you!"  Bonnie said with a half-smile.

"Hey, Bonnie, nice to see you too."  I said not looking at her.  

I felt off when I entered the castle, it felt like something wasn't right.  Bonnie led me upstairs to the dining room and sat down at the head of the table.  I pull my chair out and sit opposite of her.  She has basic things brought out for us, just some red for me like apples and such, and some spaghetti for herself.  We caught up for a while talking about our lives and changes to the Candy Kingdom, just basic stuff.  We stopped to eat for a little when Bonnie throughout a question.

"How's Finn?"  PB asked in between bites.

"Oh he's fine, I haven't seen him much he just stopped by the other day,"  I said with my heart in my chest. 

Why would she ask me about him?  Just out of nowhere?  As far as I know, they haven't talked in years, so why would she suddenly ask about him.

" Ah okay, yea I haven't heard from him in a while, it's been much quieter since I last heard from him anyway?"  PB said chuckling.

What did she mean by that?  I began to get a little angry, Finn has done so much for so many people.

"What do you mean?"  I said trying not to sound defensive.

"Well I mean nothing really has happened around the Candy Kingdom, no trouble no evil, it's been really nice.  Now that Finn isn't around it seems like the evil went with him, it's better that way."  PB said a little more serious this time.

"Finn has done so much for everyone, especially you."  I said angrily.

"Yea I know, but it's much easier to sit and relax without having to defend anyone or entertain his adventures."PB said

"Shut your mouth, Finn has been nothing but nice and caring to you, you have no right to talk about him like that." I screamed.

I was filled with rage at this point, how on earth could she talk about him like that. He was head over heels in love with her and did everything he could for her and this is how she repays him? Talking terribly behind his back? I'm not going to sit here and listen to it. I grabbed my umbrella and stormed out. I floated through the kingdom and left without saying another word.

Finn's P.O.V
I laid outside for a while trying to get myself together. I felt so empty and alone, eventually though, I went back inside. I sat inside alone, not really doing anything. I tried to find something to read to pass the time but nothing was around that interested me. The day dragged on from there, with nothing to do and no one to talk to it just made the day take forever, but eventually, the sun finally set. I didn't have the energy to go to my room so I slumped over on the couch and tried to just sleep but I felt more awake then I had all day. I laid there next to the phone, hoping and preying for a call, but it never came. I know she is awake I know she would answer, but she probably never wants to talk to me again. I sat in the silence of night for hours, what am I going to do without Marceline. She's my best friend, I love her.

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