Chapter 3: New Beginning

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Finn's P.O.V
I came over to Marceline's house late one night to try and take my mind off of everything. Never once did I think I would kiss her, she's the Vampire Queen! I'm Finn Mertins, the Hero of OOO, how on earth could someone like me be with someone like her? Oddly enough it felt almost natural. Kissing her set off something in me I couldn't explain. I always had odd feelings for her, ever since that night of the movie all those years ago. Coming to her house in my dumb lute suit Jake gave me making a fool out of myself to get a girl to go to the movies with me. Ever since that night i've had an odd feeling whenever I was in her presence. After about 5 seconds we pulled away from our kiss, her cheeks were bright red.

"I'm sorry I don't know what came over me." I said blushing, staring at the ground."

"It's..Its okay don't worry about it." Marceline was stuttering at this point trying to find something to focus on.

Marceline turned away and looked back at me with a shy smile.

"Finn, we have been friends for years, we have been on so many adventures together. Never once did I think I would kiss you." She said without breaking eye contact.

"I know i'm sorry. In the moment it just felt right. After we talked and we hugged my heart started racing and I couldn't control myself. I didn't know what to do." I said with a panicked tone.

Marceline then smiled and came closer to me. She leaned in and whispered, "Then let's do it again." as she leans in for another kiss, this time a little more aggressive. My heart begins to pound out of my chest. Im kissing a vampire right now, how on earth does that happen? Although it was odd at first, my heart felt so at peace (even if it was going 100 miles per hour), this whole thing felt right. We slowly pull away and look at each other catching our breath. I rub my shoulder trying to figure out what to say.

"Well I should probably get going, I don't want to make anything else weird for you." I said reluctantly, I wanted to kiss her again more than anything in that moment.

I get up, grab my bag and head to the door.

"Hey Finn?" Marceline says behind me.


"You know, it gets lonely for me here too. Do you want to spend the night here with me?" She says blushing.

I couldn't contain my excitement. I felt so happy hearing that from her. She actually wants me to stay? After coming out of no where and kissing her?

I smile at her and say "Sure that sounds fun." Trying to sound like I wasn't going to explode with joy.

"Great! You go get your stuff and i'll set up a movie for us to watch when you get back." She says to me cheerfully.

I nod my head and walk towards the door with my bag in my hand. I can't believe I get to stay with Marceline for the night. The whole walk home I had a smile ear to ear, playing every perfect scenario in my head hoping she was just as excited as I was.

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