Chapter 2: Old Friend

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Marcelines P.O.V
I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened the door.
"Hey Marcy" I heard as I see Finn standing at my door.  I haven't seen him since the glass kingdom, what was he doing here?

Hey Finn, What are you doing here?

"Oh uh.. I couldnt sleep and I knew you would be awake so I thought i'd stop by." Finn said without breaking eye contact.

This is the first time i've really talked to him since him and Simon showed up at the Glass Kingdom. I invited him in and went to fetch us snacks while he sat on the couch.  He looked much different, he was wearing jeans now rather than his traditional shorts, and he had a white long sleeve on instead of his blue shirt.  I sat down and began asking him loads of questions about his time while i've been with Bonnie.

"How have things been?"

"Not terrible, not great but not terrible" Finn said as his eyes drifted to the ground.

"Oh? what's been going on?"

"Well, things have been very lonely around here.  While you were with Bubblegum, Jake and I did what we usually do.  Fight monsters, save people, explore caves, all the normal stuff we would do.  But it got harder to do once Jake got sick.  Jake couldn't do anything, he could barely get out of bed.  Then one day he didn't wake up, and since then i've just been kind of alone.  Sure I had BMO
and I started hanging out with Jakes granddaughter, Bronwyn, but it hasn't been the same without Jake." Finn said.

He was choking up at this point, I could see the tears in his eyes as he talked about Jake.  Those two were inseparable.  I've never seen Finn like this, even when he was younger he rarely ever seemed sad around me let alone close to crying. 
I rested my hand on his shoulder to comfort him

"I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that.  I know losing people is tough, trust me.  I'm more than 1000 years old and losing someone still hurts just the same as the first time.  I'm always here for you whenever you need anything."

He looks up to me with his lips quivering and tears swelling in his eyes.  Within seconds he breaks down.  He falls into my arms and rests his head on my shoulder.  This is the first time i've ever seen Finn cry and it almost broke my heart.  This strong kid i've known to fight demons 30 times his size is crying on my shoulder, I would have never seen the day coming.

"Hey hey, this is the hero I know? sitting here crying?" I teased trying to take his mind off of things

He looks up at me angry but couldn't help but smirk at me.

"I just miss Jake, that's all.  He was my best friend" Finn says wiping away his tears

"I know you do, try and think of all the good times you guys had.  Remember when I was at the treehouse for the first time and I scared the life out of him?"

"Yes I do, he wouldn't sleep for days after that, he would ask me to look around to make sure there were no vampires around." Finn said laughing.

"See, doesn't that make you feel better hero?"  I playfully punched him in the arm

Finn smiles and comes in for a hug.

"Thank you Marceline, you really helped cheer me up." Finn said.

He pulls away smiling and looking at me while I give him a little smirk.  But when he looks at me for a while his eyes begin to widen, I feel mine widen too.  We sit and stare at each other for a while in silence when he begins leaning in.  I lean in as well, I have no idea why.  I've been friends with Finn for a decade now why am I doing this? Before I knew it I felt his lips touch mine as a prominent feeling of warmth consumes my body.

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