Chapter 13- Trust

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Marcelines P.O.V
I got home soon after I left the Candy Kingdom.  I was still filled with anger when I got home.  I can't believe Bubblegum would talk about Finn that way.  With the number of things he has done for not just her, but everyone in OOO, He deserves more respect.  I was still mad at Finn but he still deserves to be respected, especially by Bubblegum.  I walk in the door, set my umbrella down, and float upstairs to try and relax.  I turn the shower on and I walk out into my room just to sit.  While i'm sitting there, something catches my eye.  It's a blue shirt, poking out of the pile of clothes next to my bathroom.  I go over to it and pull it out, it was Finns.  He didn't wear it often, I didn't even see it on him much when he stayed with me.  I picked it up and was about to throw it out but I just sat there, holding it for a moment.  It still smelled like him, you'd think someone like him going on adventures all the time and roaming around, it wouldn't be an amazing smell, but it was.  It smelled like lavender, not like strong but just, comforting.  I felt tears forming in my eyes, I missed him.  But how could I trust him?  So many people have come up and left or hurt me, with him calling Bonnie it just feels like he is going to end up the same way Ash did or anyone else in my 1000 years. How would I know he would be different? I went into the shower to try and get my mind off it, but the tears kept flowing more and more with every passing second. I slumped over letting the tears fall, I miss him, so much.

Finn's P.O.V.
The night dragged on.  I laid in silence for hours with nothing to do, just thinking about the phone ringing.  All I did for hours was wait for a call, wait for something, anything from her. I felt tears begin to drip down my face, why does this always happen to me? PB didn't love me, I ruined things with Flame Princess and that broke me, Huntress Wizard didn't go anywhere, and now I donked things up with Marcy. Every time I fall for a girl it ends up breaking my heart. The tears began flooding down my face harder, how could i have screwed up so many times. I'm terrible, everyone thinks i'm the "hero of OOO" but how can I be a hero if all I do is screw things up. Marceline is the best person i've ever met, and right when I finally got a chance I lose her too. I grabbed my pillow tight and bawled into it. I miss her, so much.

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