Chapter 7- Loss

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Finns P.O.V.

I dont want to donk this up, Marceline is an amazing girl. Shes cute, shes funny, shes smart, everything about her is amazing. I dont want to mess up anything because im still sad about Jake, I want to be able to give her everything I can.

I sat with Marceline thinking about all of these things. Trying to hide it but she could tell my heart rate was picking up

"Your hearts beating fast, whats wrong?" Marceline asked, concerned.

"Oh nothing, just caught up in my head thats all." I responded looking at the wall.

Marceline could tell something was wrong, but for some reason I couldn't tell her. It wasnt a huge thing, nothing went wrong, I was just terrified. I didnt want to lose her. She is one of the best friends I have ever had, the best girl I have ever met if I had to be honest, ive never felt this way about anyone for globs sake.

After a little amount of time Marceline got up.

"Hey Finn, I think im going to take a shower and write some lyrics, you should probably go home im sure you have things to do." Marceline said while staring at the ground.

My heart sank into my chest, is this because I wasnt talking? Does she think im not interested or I dont want to be there with her?

"Oh, alright I understand." I said trying to seem strong.

I grabbed my stuff and began to go downstairs to the door. She didn't even come downstairs to say goodbye, she didn't say anything. I shut the door and began to walk back to the treehouse. I walked slow with my head hung low. I could feel a tear starting to form in my eye. Did I screw up my chance with her? All I wanted was to be with her and lay there with her but I got caught up in my own thoughts. Shes such a great person, I dont want to lose this chance with her. Just laying there with her was perfect. I cant believe I may have ruined my shot with the greatest girl in OOO.

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