Chapter 6: Interest

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Finn's P.O.V.

I would have never guessed Marceline and I would be sitting alone watching a movie, let alone her laying on my shoulder.  This is great!  I always admired Marceline, but Princess Bubblegum was my main interest for a very long time. Something about this almost feels natural though.  She seems so peaceful.  She smells very good too, her hair smells like bubblegum.  Now that I think of that, it may be a bit more personal than it looks but hey I have no complaints. 

Finn slumps down on the couch a little more as his eyes get heavy.  before he knew it, he was asleep.  

The Next Morning

Marceline's P.O.V.

I woke up and noticed I was still downstairs.  "That was the best sleep ive had in at least 100 years" I thought to myself.  I look up and see Finn still fast asleep.  He has a little wet spot on his shirt, jeez I must have drooled on him last night.  I got up slowly, not to wake him, and went to the kitchen to try and fix us something to eat.  I pulled out some eggs for Finn and a few apples for me and set everything up.  It took me quite a while to get the eggs done the way Finn likes them, but he was still fast asleep when I set the plates down.  I gave him a small kiss on the forehead, he smiled and slowly opened his eyes.   

"Goodmorning Vampire Queen" Finn said, slowly opening his eyes. 

Goodmorning Hero, I said with a smirk.  I made you some breakfast, just some eggs nothing too big. 

Finn's face lit up.  "Thank you so much, you know you didn't have to make me breakfast, 
I could have found something when I woke up."   He said with a big smile on his face.

I know, but even the hero of OOO has to eat, I said as I set the plate down and sat next to him with my apples.  

He ate his food faster than I had ever seen someone eat, moments after I put it down, he grabbed it, ate all of it, and laid right back down.  I chuckled at him and went upstairs to get dressed and run to the music shop to get some stuff for my Bass.  I come back down to see Finn curled up on the couch, out like a light.  I snuck out the door to make sure not to wake him up, and I was on my way.  I headed down to the market to pick up some more red fruits and vegetables on the way to the shop and picked up some new strings and an amp for my Bass and headed on home.  I get home and open the door, and Finn wasn't on the couch anymore.  Finn wasn't anywhere downstairs.  My heart dropped; did he leave without saying anything?  I set my bags down in the kitchen and went upstairs to put on some more comfortable clothes and I hear the water running in the bathroom.  My eyes lit up as Finn walked out in a towel from the bathroom, he didn't even notice I was home.  He opened his eyes and yelped. 

"Marceline! I didn't think you would be home so soon I'm sorry I am not dressed."  Finn said as his face turned red as can be and he ran back into the bathroom. 

I couldn't even put it into words.  I had never seen Finn without a shirt on, let alone when I can barely recognize him.  He looked fantastic.  

Finn's P.O.V. 

I can't believe I just walked out like that.  This is her house not mine I can't just walk around basically naked, ESPECIALLY around someone like Marceline.  She couldn't even speak when I walked out, it was so embarrassing.  I threw my clothes on and walked out of the bathroom, and Marceline was laying on the bed and ushered me to come sit with her.  

" I am sorry about that Marceline I should have been more careful."  I said, blushing

"Oh no, don't be sorry, I'm not even sure why you put your shirt back on" Marceline said with a smirk. 

I smiled back, "alright then."  I took my shirt off and laid down.  Marceline stared at me and laid her arms on me and stared up at me from my chest.  Her eyes were locked on me.  Was she really this interested in me?  I thought she was just letting me stay to be nice, but she really seems like she wants to be around me. She crawled her way up and kissed me, it took me by surprise, but I closed my eyes and kissed her back.  Her hair fell onto my chest as she put her head down on me, not stopping the kiss.  It was the best kiss I had ever had.  I had never kissed someone for this long, and it never ever made me feel like this.  I felt happier in that moment then I had felt in a very, very long time. 

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