Chapter 9- Truth

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Finn's P.O.V
Marcy fell into me and held me tighter than I expected.  I could feel my cheek getting wet, was she crying?  She cared this much about me?  I had never seen Marceline cry, it's something I thought she would have killed me long before she would let me see.  I wrapped my arms around her and held her back.  After a few minutes of us sitting there, she moved back up, wiped her eyes, and looked at me with a smile.
"Sorry about that, I couldn't contain myself." Marceline said with her eyes puffy.
"No no, it's okay, sometimes you have to let it out" I said resting my hand on her shoulder.
Marceline smiled at me and sat next to me.  She laid her head on my shoulder and let out a large sigh.  I felt her entire body relax, all the tension in her shoulders was gone, I thought she was going to slide off of me.  She put her arm on my leg and began to rub it gently.
"Finn?" Marceline said.
"How do you feel about me? Like truly?" She said looking at me.
My heart dropped, not in a bad way, but a nervous happy way.  I took a deep breath, and before I knew it I was pouring my heart out to her.
"Marceline, whenever i'm with you, I feel like time freezes.  The moment I walked into your house today, it felt like everything stopped, nothing mattered besides where I was.  I feel safe but also scared with you.  Any time I see you my heart jumps, I get so excited just to be around you.  You make me feel like everything is okay, nothing can hurt me, nothing can touch me.  I feel invincible with you." 
I stopped and caught my breath.  I look up to see Marceline crying harder then I had ever seen, but she didn't look sad.   She had a bright smile and rosy cheeks, which stood out on her pale skin.  But tears were flowing down her face more than i had ever seen from her.  I opened my arms and she dove into me, holding me so tight I could barely breathe, but I didn't care.  She picked her head up and kissed me.  We sat there for what felt like hours, locked in the same kiss, i never wanted it to end.  Marceline picked up her head, took a deep breath, and looked at me.
"I love you Finn."

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