Chapter 16- Square One

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Marcelines P.O.V.

Even thought Finn and I made up, things were still a little awkward. I know how I feel about him, I love him tons, but something about it is off. I feel very happy with him in person, but when he steps away I feel weird. Like i'm still not completely over what he did, it makes me feel all weird inside, like there is a pit in my stomach.  I just don't know if I can just let him back in 100% yet, I need him to show me how he really feels instead of just telling me.  Finn walked back from the bathroom, gave me a smile and sat down on the couch.  After a few minutes of silence I gained the courage to speak my mind

"Hey Finn, can I talk to you about something?" I said

"Of course Marcy, anything." Finn said happily

"Finn, even though we made up, part of me still doesn't trust you.  I'm not sure why but it just isn't right yet.  I need you to really show me that you mean what you say about your feelings, like really really show me okay?"  I said nervously

"Marceline, I'll do whatever it takes to prove myself to you." Finn said staring into my eyes.

"Good, well I better get going, I was working on something before I came over." I said trying to find a nice way to leave.

I got up, gave Finn a hug, and went on my way out the door.  I really hope Finn shows me what I need to see.

Finn's P.O.V.

Marceline told me she still doesn't trust me. I understand why but does that change anything? We just cried together and held eachother and talked everything out, we are just fine, right? My head started to go crazy with thoughts and my heart started racing. I went into the bathroom to start a shower to try and calm myself down, I turned the water on very hot so the steam would fill the bathroom, it helped calm me down whenever I was nervous. Surprisingly it calmed me down so much within seconds I was beginning to get drowsy. I sat down for a moment just to relax and shut my eyes. When i opened them again the steam was gone and the bathroom was freezing, I stuck my hand in to see how the water felt and it was ice cold, how long was I sitting there? I threw back on my clothes and walked out and it was pitch black outside, I must have fallen asleep. I went up to my room and put on something comfortable and sat down in my bed. I wasn't very tired so I just kinda sat around for a little while. Then I thought about Marcy, of course she's awake right now I can call her! I quickly grabbed the phone and called Marceline. It rang for a while but she eventually picked up.

"Speak." Marceline said in a serious tone.

"Hi Marcy!" I said excitedly.

"Hello Finn." Marceline said unamused.

My smile faded a little, she didn't seem really interested in talking to me.

"What are you up to?" I said trying to start up a conversation.

"Just messing with my Bass, I was in the middle of coming up with a song so I gotta get back to that." Marceline said.

"Oh that's cool, what kind of—" *Click*

She hung up on me. I put the phone down slowly feeling sick to my stomach. I thought everything was okay? Why doesn't she want to talk to me? I laid back in my bed staring at the ceiling. We had a whole moment and talked it all out, why can't it be okay? I felt tears building up in my eyes, but I wasn't sad. I was nervous but not sad, why am I crying? I closed my eyes to keep the tears from falling and slowly drifted back to sleep.

Authors Note
Thank you guys so so much for all the support on my story! I wanted to take a new approach when writing it to be a little more serious and down to earth while still keeping the characters and world we know and love! The story is based on my own life and I thought this would be a perfect way to express it with Marcelines 1000 years of experience with the world and Finns different feelings and events with his family and relationships. Anyways, Thank you so much for the support and I plan to keep writing this story for the foreseeable future!

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