Chapter 17: Mixed Signals

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Finn's P.O.V.
I haven't seen Marceline in a few days now.  We talk sometimes on the phone but other then a good morning and a check in here and there, we don't talk very much.  It hurt a lot at first but I just tell myself everything is okay and we will be fine.  It helps the sadness but my brain still goes crazy with thoughts about it.  Not much I can do about it other than just deal with it.  I just went on with my normal business.  Going out and adventuring, checking on Lady Rainicorn and seeing the Pups whenever I can, just having Finn time.  After a long day I walked inside absolutely exhausted.  I threw my pack down and climbed up to my bed.  I fell over onto my bed without even changing my clothes, it took so much energy just to move to lay on the bed the right way.  I laid there with my eyes closed for a while, almost falling asleep when the phone began to ring.  My eyes opened wide and my heart dropped.  Was it Marceline? She never calls this early.  I sprang your and answered the phone, trying to calm myself at the same time


"Hey Finn." Marceline said.

It was her, I was so happy but I had to try and stay calm.

"Hey Marceline, what's up?" I said trying to sound calm.

"Nothing really, just sitting around, are you busy?" Marceline said sort of quietly.

"No i'm just sitting in bed right now, why?" I said shakily

Does Marceline want to see me?  Glob I really hope so I haven't seen her in so long, I just want to be near her. 

"Ah okay, well if you aren't busy you can come stop by for a little bit." Marceline said.

"Sure i'll head over in a bit." I said trying to contain my excitement.

I set the phone down and a smile grew on my face.  A smile so big it began to hurt in seconds.   I can't believe she wants to see me, it's been so long.  I can't act super happy about it though, I don't wanna come on to strong.  Things are still weird between us so I just have to be myself, not be super touchy with her or lovey, just be Finn.  I grabbed my bag and ran out the door to head towards Marcelines house. The sun was setting by the time I got to her house, right as I was walking into the cave the sun was almost completely set. I approached Marcelines door, more nervous than I had ever been. I took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. Marceline opened it in seconds, dressed in her pajamas it looked like. She smiled at me and stepped back so I could walk in.

"Sorry the place is kind of messy, I've just been laying around all day." Marceline said smiling.

"No problem at all, Im sure my house is just as bad." I said laughing.

Marceline and I sat on the couch, she had some show on I had never seen, definitely made before the war but I couldn't figure out what It was about. We sat there for a while just watching the show, when I look over to see Marceline asleep. She looked so cute when she was asleep (creepy? maybe, but who cares.) I debated whether or not I should leave and let her rest but I ended up sticking around just in case she woke up and needed something. I sat there for what felt like forever but every once in a while Marceline would open her eyes, smile at me, and turn to get comfortable again. I'm not sure why I stayed for so long, I mean she was just sleeping it's not like I needed to be there, but something made me stay. After about an hour or so, Marceline sat up and stretched a little. She looked at me and smiled while she stretched, then she laid her head on my lap. My heart dropped, what do I do here? I put my arm on her just to make sure she was secure and she grabbed my hand tightly. I felt my cheeks warm up, I sat there for a few minutes holding her hand and running my fingers through her jet black hair. After a few minutes she woke up fully, smiled at me, and got up to head to the bathroom. I sat there in disbelief, was she just half asleep during that? What if she doesn't even remember it? I began to panic a little but I had to seem like I was okay, I can't donk this up, whatever it is. She came back quickly rubbing her eyes, and sat back down on the couch.

"Good morning." I said jokingly

"Hey there." Marceline said drowsily

"How was your sleep, any nightmares?" I said laughing

"No just darkness, my favorite." Marceline said laughing back

Marceline then leaned over and wrapped her arms around me. I sat there for a moment before I put my arms around her too. She squeezed me tight like she didn't want to let go, and begin to gently peck my neck before digging her head down into my shoulder. I felt my eyes begin to water, it had been so long since I felt this way. We sat there like that for a while before she lifted her head and looked at me right in the eyes. We smiled at eachother as she leaned in to kiss me. My heart just about exploded, I didn't know what to do, all I knew was I cannot miss this opportunity. We kissed for a while before she laid right back on my shoulder. I had to contain myself I felt like so was going to cry. Eventually she sat up and yawned, then turned to me.

"Well I guess I need to shower up and actually be productive." Marceline said standing up

"Alright, we'll i'll get out of your way so you can get your stuff done." I said standing up as well.

Marceline approached me and hugged me tightly. We sat there for a while but I could sit there forever just holding her. Eventually we did step back and smile at eachother as I walked out. The moment the door shut behind me I started to run home, smiling ear to ear. I finally got something, it wasn't just small conversations it was how it used to be, I couldn't be happier. I ran home and upstairs to my room. I was cheering to myself, yea yea i'm grown up but hey even adults get excited sometimes. I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling, all I could think about was how the day went. I haven't been this happy in a long time. Surprisingly enough, I was able to fall asleep pretty soon after I laid down. I woke up not too long after to see Marceline in front of my bed. I jolted up startled, but also with joy seeing her.

"Marceline? What are you doing here I just left not too long ago."

Marceline looked at me for a little, before she finally began to talk.

"I missed my hero."

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