Chapter 5: Chance

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Finns P.O.V
I really liked the movie Marceline picked out. It was full of a bunch of fights with swords that looked like they were straight lasers it was awesome. One part came up that caught my attention. The characters were being wheeled out into a battle field and were getting really mushy but I loved it. I'm not sure what made me do it but during it I put my hand on Marceline's leg, and she actually put hers on top of mine. I look at her leg with our hands together and up to her to see her cheeks beaming red.  I felt odd during this, I mean she's the Vampire Queen for globs sake, I don't think anyone should just touch her like that, especially a human.  But, something about it felt nice.

Marceline's P.O.V

Finn sat there for a moment and stared at me, almost like he was lost in his own thoughts.  What could he be thinking about?  Then again he is touching a vampire.  It's kind of cute the way he's looking at me, he looks confused but also happy.

"Everything alright hero?"  I chuckled under my breath as he kind of snapped back to reality. 

Finn looked down embarrassed with a small smirk on his face

"Uh yes everything is alright. "
Finn took is hand away from marceline's leg.
"Sorry about touching you, I'm not sure what came over me." Finn said focusing on the movie.

He's so cute when he's embarrassed.  Jeez I must have really fallen for him at this point.  I can't believe I really fell for a human boy.  I could feel my cheeks get more red than they had ever been and I decided to just give in to these feelings.  I smirked and laid my head on Finns shoulder.  I could feel his heart beat begin to race faster than anything I had ever felt.  Soon after, he rested his head on mine as I could feel a smile stream across his face.  Maybe this isn't so bad after all.

Authors Note.
Hey guys thank you so much for supporting my story!  I'm sorry for the long wait in-between sections school and real life have really messed with my time but i'm back and hope to add to this story every week, Usually every Thursday maybe Friday depending on how my schedule goes.  All and all, Thank you so much for supporting my story and I hope you enjoy the rest!!

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