Chapter 15- Communication

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Finns P.O.V.

Marcy and I stood there for a while holding each other while we tried to pull ourselves together. Eventually, we managed to stop crying and break away from our hug. We looked at each other and sat down, eyes still bloodshot from the heavy sobbing. It took a while, but I finally gained the courage to say something to her.

"Marceline, I'm sorry about all of this, it's my fault. I got nervous once Bubblegum called you, I thought you were going to fall back to her. I messed up all of the other relationships I had, so I felt like I had to do something about it." I said rubbing my shoulder.

"I understand Finn, but you could have talked to me about it first. It really hurt when you called her, I thought you were calling her because you missed her. You can always talk to me if you are scared, even if I make fun of you half the time, I do care." Marceline said staring into my eyes.

"You could have explained a little more about the call when I got there. I just kinda walked in and you told me she called about hanging out, you wouldn't even look at me." I said raising my voice a little.

"Finn it was my business anyway, the only reason I told you was that it made me nervous and I wanted you to know what was happening. I would have told you if anything weird was going on." Marceline said sternly.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I should have talked to you about how I felt instead of just going out and calling her." I said staring at the ground.

Marceline put her hand on my cheek.

"You're a hero Finn, every hero makes mistakes. I know you have a lot of trauma that makes it hard to talk about everything, and so do I. I mean come on, I'm 1000 years old, I've seen countless terrible things, do you think it's easy for me to talk about how I am feeling for globs sake?" Marceline said trying to lighten the mood.

I began to smile at her.

"You're right, thank you, Marceline. I promise I'll work on my messed up mind biz." I said

"Good, I don't want to sit here and go through a crisis every week." Marceline said grinning as she punched my arm.

"Oh shush Vampire Queen, I'm not the only one who is screwed up here." I said jokingly.

We went back and forth cracking jokes trying to lighten the mood, and I couldn't be happier. After laughing for hours, we caught our breaths and looked into each other's eyes.

"Marceline, when you kicked me out the other day, I didn't know what to do. I didn't feel anything I had felt before. I have been depressed before, I know that feeling all too well. I've been scared so many times, it wasn't that either. It was like a mix of all of it, but also none of it. Just this feeling in my tums, it felt like I was hungry, but I couldn't eat. It just sat there, and it was the worst. I was completely lost without you. It's like a part of me was taken away, I didn't even feel normal. Marceline, I can't even put into words how much you mean to me. You've had a part of me ever since that night at the movies, even if it was just as friends, part of me changed that day and I never knew it until you and I got together again. Once we finally kissed, not like the one you gave me on the cheek all those years ago, but our 'Mistake' kiss when I came to see you that night, I couldn't be without you. Marceline, I love you, more than I have ever really loved anything, other than mom and dad and jake of course. But it's different than them, it's a whole new type of love, I can't even describe it." I rambled.

I was going to say more until I heard a sniffle. I look up to see tears beginning to go down Marceline's cheeks again. She wiped her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Finn, something has always been there for you. Even back when I met you something felt different about you, you weren't like any other person I had met. I still laugh at the thought of you in that terrible outfit outside of my house asking me to go to the movies. Not laughing at you, but like laughing at a cute cat. You've been there for me through so much, you were even there to help me break up with Ash. You have always had a place in my heart, but I couldn't quite place what that feeling was until recently. After Bonnie and I broke up I didn't really feel like people usually do. I just kinda felt confused. Then you came back, and I got that spark again. I felt my heart racing and nervous for the first time since I was trapped in that cave with PB. But it wasn't a scared nervous, it was like a good nervous. The point is, the way I feel about you isn't like anything I've ever felt for anyone. I love you Finn." Marceline said with a soft tone.

"So, can we start over? Forget about all this?" I said nervously.

"Well, we cant forget about it, because it will help us in the future. But if we are being honest, you never did make anything official." Marceline said with a grin.

"Oh" I stuttered before Marceline stopped me.

"If you're trying to ask me to be your girlfriend then I guess I can do that." Marceline said with a playful voice."

I smiled ear to ear. "Hehe, well good, it would suck if you said no." I said blushing.

Marceline sighed playfully and wrapped her arms around me. Finally, I feel safe again.

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