Chapter 10-Intentions

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Marcelines P.O.V
Things have been going great between Finn and I. We aren't exactly together, neither of us asked each other specifically but it's implied. We hang out all the time we hug and kiss and all the gushy stuff. I'm not sure why he hasn't asked yet but hey i'm not complaining.
*Ring Ring
My phone began to ring. This was odd cause Finn was out adventuring, he wouldn't call me during one. I floated over to the phone and picked it up.

"Speak" I said with a aggressive tone.
"Hey Marcy" A familiar voice said.

I almost dropped the phone, it was Bonnie, why was she calling?

"Oh, hey PB, what's up." My voice shook.
"Nothing really, just wanted to see how you were, it's been a while." Bubblegum said cheerfully.

We talked for a few minutes and caught up and Bonnie asked if I wanted to grab lunch sometime at the Candy Kingdom, I didn't know what to say so I said sure and acted like I was busy and hung up. My heart was racing (I keep getting surprised by that even after being with Finn for a while). Just after the call ended Finn walked in.

"Hey Marcy!" He said joyfully
"Oh uh hey Finn!" I said trying to act like nothing happened.

Finn looked at me like he knew something was wrong and tilted his head.

"Everything okay?" Finn asked
"Oh yea just got an odd call."
"Oh from who?". Finn asked curiously
"...PB.". I said staring at the floor.

Finn's P.O.V
Princess Bubblegum? Why was she talking to Marceline? I got an odd feeling in my chest, a mix of fear and jealousy. I wasn't still in love with PB, I was over her, but I didn't want her to show back up and effect Marcy and I, im not sure how Marceline feels about her, they were together a very long time. I had to act strong though, I didn't want Marceline thinking anything that wasn't true.

"Ahh okay, how is she doing?" I said with a smile trying to be strong
"She's fine, just caught up a bit, she wants to grab lunch sometime soon but i'm not sure if i wanna go out to the Candy Kingdom." Marcy said

My heart dropped at this, Im not in control of Marceline, I don't even know if we are official or not for globs sake, why do I feel this way.
I don't want to lose her to some old feelings.

"I'm sure that'll be fun for you if you go." I said trying to seem supportive.
"Eh im not sure yet, but i'll figure it out. I'm gonna go out for a bit do you need anything.". Marcy said not looking at me once.

She left pretty soon after. I'm not sure how to feel about this, like I trust her but something about it is making me feel odd. I haven't talked to PB in a while, maybe I should reach out.
I picked up the phone and called PB, my heart beating out of my chest.

"Princess Bubblegum." She said on the other end
"Hey Pb." I said trying not to seem nervous
"Finn? how come you're calling me on Marcelines
phone?" She said confused.
"Oh uh I stopped by to visit." I said trying to come up with something.
"Odd but alright, how are things?" She said with an odd tone

She knows something is off she knows something is going on, I hung up the phone immediately, that was a mistake. I sat on the couch panicking slightly. It seemed like days before Marceline came home, but when she did, she slammed open the door.

"Why on earth would you call Bonnie?" Marceline said, clearly angry.
"Oh uh I wanted to see how things were." I said nervously.
"Finn you were in love with bubblegum for years, you haven't talked to her in months you wouldn't call her out of the blue." Marceline said her eyes turning red.
"No Marceline it wasn't like that, I felt odd after you said she called and I wanted to reach out."

Marcelines eyes turned blood red, she was furious.

"It's my business, I shared it with you to keep you updated and show you what's going on. What do you not trust me is that it? Or do you miss her?" Marceline yelled.
"No Marceline I."
Marceline cut me off.
"You know what, I think it's time you went home." She said staring at the wall.
"But Marceline."
"I said, go HOME." She said screaming at me.

I grabbed my bag, and walked out the door as she slammed the door behind me. I stood there for a minute, tears bottling in my eyes. I turned around and walked home, tears running down my cheeks. It began to rain on the way back to the treehouse, and it only made me cry harder. I sat down in the rain, letting it wash my tears away.

"I donked up for real this time." I said out loud to myself.

I just wanted to clear my own head and get some sort of reassurance that nothing was going on. I ended up messing up things between Marceline and I. How do I keep doing this. I messed up things with Flame Princess too. Sure that was a while ago and it hurt bad, but this is way more serious. I'm in love with Marceline, I can't see myself with anyone else. Now I feel like I lost her forever.

Authors Note.
Hey everyone. I thought I would take a different approach for this chapter, add some drama in there and show sides of Finn and Marcy we don't see. This story reflects my own life along with parts of the show so hopefully you all enjoy it!

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