Chapter 118♡

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(Elliot's P.O.V)

Ariel had now settled down next to me on the sofa. She had fell asleep. Olivia had texted me. I had contacted the doctor. Stroking my fingers through her hair, I thought about when we first met her.

"Hi Ariel. I'm Elliot." This young girl looked so frail. She wasn't really talking. She got her notepad out. She started writing. As I drank my coffee, she glanced at me. She showed me what she wrote.

I feel sad. Why am I here? The man hurt me.

"Dad..." She stirred a bit. "I'm here honey." She looked at me.. "Where's.. Paige and Caleb?" I told her that they were with her aunties and uncles. "Can.. I go upstairs?" We then heard a key in the lock. "Hi sweetheart." Ariel sat up a bit more.. "Hey Mom." Then she caught a glimpse of her godfather and Dr Green. "What.. are they doing here?" Barba then followed him into the kitchen. "Your mom and I think you should get professional help." She then became all fidgety. "No.. no... no.. dad.. please." Mom then came in and closed the front door. Sitting down next to me, she took out an envelope.. "Just please.. listen to me sweetheart."

My heart broke seeing the love of my life prepare to read this letter to our eldest daughter.

Olivia then cleared her throat.

"Dear Ariel,

I really do love you. I love your smile, your kindess. You are also such a light in our life. Lately, I've seen that you have been struggling. You've become very guarded again. When we first met you, you communicated with a notepad and a pen. We thought you'd never talk. Then as time went on, you began to communicate verbally. We thought sending you to therapy was enough. But sweetheart, you need professional help. We love you so much. We don't want you to resent us. Paige and Caleb love you very much. Your family love you very much. Please.. we'd like our Ari back. Please do this not only for us, but for yourself."

Love from,

Mom and Dad. Xxx

Olivia then folded the letter up. As Barba rubbed his hand on Ariel's shoulder, Dr Green took out some documents. "What is this?" Ariel started crying. "This is some information about an art therapy rehab facility." She started to shake in her dad's arms. "It's called Wild And Free Painting. The lady who runs it is called Elissa. I've contacted them and they have a room free.' She started fidgeting again.. "Can't I.. just stay with you Mom?" I started crying. "I feel like I'm not able to help you sweetheart." Barba took her hand. "Listen, I've got two incredible goddaughters. I've seen you at your worst before Ariel and it isn't pretty. I love you very much. Please consider this." She shook her head.. "No.. No! You just wanna lock me up again! Send me away! That's what you want!!!!" She jumped up from the sofa and ran to the back door. "Why is this locked?!" We all stood near the kitchen table. "Open. The. Door. NOW!" She kept trying the handle.. "Ariel. Just breathe.." Dr Green advised her.. "Just think about what you're doing. Your therapist Clare has told me that deep breaths have worked for you in the past." She then just broke down.. I really wanted to go and comfort her. "Come here.." Barba encased her into a hug. "Mom.. I'll miss Jason, Paige, Caleb and Ria." I stroked my fingers through her hair. "We'll keep them updated with how you're doing every day. I promise you baby. You are so loved. We just want you to get clean properly." As we helped her up, she looked at me and her father.

"I'll never forgive you for this." As Dr Green got her backpack and suitcase, she headed outside. Elliot hugged me. "She hates us Ell. I'm such a bad parent." Elliot comforted me. "You certainly aren't Liv. She will forgive and thank you in time. She needs this." Dr Green then told us that he would let us know when she was settled. "This is the right thing. The two of you have done the right thing." I then heard the door. It was Finn. "Hey.. the other two are alright. I just came to see how both of you were." He hugged me. "We're ok. Ariel put up a fight, but she eventually got in the car. "We'll have to get going now. I'll contact you soon." Thanking Dr Green, the front door shut. "You've done a good thing guys. Maybe her having a change of sencery will do her some good." I wiped my eyes. "You should of seen her face. She was adamant that nothing was wrong and she begged us not to send her to the facility." Finn ressaured us. 'She will talk to you when she's ready. She won't be mad at for you for long." We asked how Paige and Caleb were. "They are good. Phoebe is entertaining them. We had pizza for tea." As Elliot kissed the side of my head, Finn said to just take out time for ourselves for the night. "Me and Pheobe will bring the kids back tomorrow." We thanked him. "It's no problem." As he left, Olivia yawned. "I'll run you a bath baby." She kissed me. "I love you so much."

Things were going to be ok.♡

Author's Note: I chose Breakdown by G Easy ft Demi Lovato because of how Ariel is feeling regarding her situation right now. I really hope everyone enjoys this chapter. I just visualised her being so caught up in her emotions and just really having this internal battle with her ongoing struggles. I'm still immensely grateful for all of the support. The readers are the reason why I continue to write.

Keep reading!Xx


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