Chapter 131♡

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(Olivia's P.O.V)

Blinking, I heard the sounds of CocoMelon. My head was killing me!😂 sitting up in bed, I yawned. Looking through my phone, I saw messages and photos. Last night was great. "Morning sunshine." Elliot walked through the bedroom door with breakfast. "Please stop shouting babe.." He giggled. "I'm talking  in a normal tone Liv." Sitting up, I thanked him for the coffee. "Last night was great fun. Jessie, Billie, Paige and Cece are still sleeping." As I sat up, I drank the coffee. Elliot then told me that I looked beautiful. "Seriously?" He nodded. "Give me a mirror please." Handing one to me, I gasped. "I look awful! Oh, my hair!" He giggled. Hitting him playfully, he kissed me. "Caleb is watching tv. But, I might take the kids to the park. Give you some time to freshen up." I smiled at him. "You're the best." He then went downstairs. Ringing Amanda, she sounded like me.. "Morning." She giggled. "There were so many shots last night.. I lost count." Amanda giggled. "It was great fun. I hope Alex is ok though." I said that I would check up on her. "Did you wanna go out for food later?" Amanda said that sounded like a fab idea. "We can take the girls as well." I said that would be nice. "See you soon."

Getting up, I made the bed. Thinking about Ariel, I wondered about how she was feeling. Seeing her the other day was lovely. She's only got one week left. Then, she'll be coming home. I couldn't wait to squeeze my other baby girl. Getting some casual clothes out, I heard Elliot with our younger babies. "Whoosh! Whoosh!!!" He was throwing Caleb up and down. "Momma! Ocket! Ocket!" Kissing his little cheek, I asked her if she wanted to pop out with me. "I'd love to!" Going downstairs, Jessie, Billie and Cece smiled at me. "Morning girls!" They all came over and hugged me. "Hi Miss Benson." All of these girls made me a little bit broody.. Making some breakfast for them all, I asked them what they got up to last night. "Well, Simon got marshmallows and he made melted chocolate! It was yummy!" Cece giggled. 'Well, that's good." I made toast and pancakes. Paige then headed downstairs.. sitting next to Cece.

'Thanks Mommy." The girls all then continued to eat and chat away. Texting Nina, she replied.

I'm eating buttery toast with a large coffee. Luckily, Axel isn't screaming!🤣 last night was great though. It's just what I needed. Xx

Laughing, I ate some breakfast myself. Amanda then said that she was on her way to pick the girls up. Lydia also said that she was on her way to pick Cece up. "Auntie Liv?" Billie looked at me. "Yes sweetie?" She told me that Carisi was going to be their new dad soon. "I know! Your mom was telling me. How exciting is that?" Jessie smiled at her sister. "It is very exciting." The girls finished their breakfast. Paige and Cece spoke to us about cheerleading. "We might practice some jumps and stuff tomorrow." As they went to get dressed, I heard the door. "Morning Amanda." She hugged me. "How were the girls?" I said that my goddaughters were as good as gold. "They are so cute together. Honestly." Making her a drink, she asked how I was doing.

"I'm alright. I think I'm nervous for when Ariel comes home. She's not seen her father for so long. I just hope he makes an effort to repair the relationship." Amanda smiled at me. "She's worked really hard whilist she's been away. Before she met you two, she was hurt. She loves you both. All of us love her." I agreed. "Mommy!!!" My goddaughters hugged their mom. The girls were all ready to go out. "Your mom texted me to say that she will meet us at the park Cece." She said that was fine. Saying bye to Elliot and Caleb, he kissed me. "Love you Liv." I said that I loved him too. "Byeee Momma!" I stroked my little boy's cheek. "I love you too baby." We then left. 'So.. how are your wedding plans coming along?' I informed Amanda about what we had planned. 'Our colors will be red and white. And i'm going to start looking at venues with Elliot at some point. As we got to the park, the girls got out and ran over to the swings. Sitting on the bench, we spoke about Nina. 'She is now so happy and content. It's really nice to see her at peace.' Amanda agreed. 'Compared to a few months ago, she's really just let herself open up.' The girls shouted us. Walking over, we pushed them as they giggled. 'Your color scheme sounds amazing. I cannot wait to see my best friend get married.' The girls asked if they could be flower girls. 'Of course you can be!' They then ran over to the hopscotch. Seeing Lydia, we waved at her. 'Hi. How are you guys?' She hugged us. 'We are good thanks.' Asking how she was, she told us that Cece's dad had been busy. He's heading home tonight which will be so nice.' 

The girls were so close. It was really nice to see them all getting along. 'Hi Mommy.' Paige hugged me. 'Hi Cece.' Lydia hugged her. 'We had so much fun!' I told Lydia that she was very well behaved. "Well done Cece.' On our way to the cars, Lydia said that we should all get together for a play date soon. "Of course we should. Do you have my phone number?" Lydia said yes. "See you soon Miss Benson." Cece waved at me and hugged Paigey. "She's my best frrriend!" Paige giggled. Jessie and Billie hugged them both.

After we said goodbye to Cece and Lydia, we went to drop Amanda and the girls home. "Bye Auntie Liv. Bye Paige." The girls were so sweet. "See you girls soon. I love you both." Amanda said that she'd text me later.

On the way home, Paige asked me when Ariel would be coming home. "She's coming home next week baby." Paige squealed. "We'll have her back Mommy! That's amazing!" Both her and their brother had missed them so much. When we got home, Elliot was sat on the couch. "Daddy!!!!" Paige gave him a huge hug. "Hey." Squeezing her, she asked if her little brother was in bed. "He is sweetheart." Kissing him, he admired me. "You always look lovely Olivia." I was only in casual wear. "Thanks babe." Sitting next to him as Paigey went upstairs, I kissed him. Just spending that bit of time with him was good. Feeling his hand on my cheek, I shivered.. "Are you ready for Ariel to come home?" He said yes. "I just miss her."

(Ariel's P.O.V)

I felt cold. Both of my arms were freezing. Covering myself up with the warm blanket, I saw the tablet box that was given to me from Dr Green. It was a substitute to the drugs. I'd not taken it. I started shaking. My teeth were chattering.. the window wasn't open. Why was I feeling like this? I kept itching. Scratching my arms, I still felt cold. "I... need... drugs.." I mumbled to myself. Trying my hardest to sleep, I just couldn't do it. Tossing and turning, I shouted in my sleep. "Get off! Dawson! No! Stop!" Still shaking, I heard a voice as I continued to toss and turn. "Ariel. You're ok. Your body is just reacting to not having the drugs.." Opening my eyes, I saw Dr Green. "What.. happened?"

He sat in the chair that was placed in the corner of my room. "You were shouting in your sleep." I cried. "Just let me go home. I'm not a prisoner." He said that I was nearly there. "Would you like your substitute?" Shaking my head violently. "No. I'm fine. I can do this." I didn't want any tablets in my system. Even if they were medicinal. "Ariel, it's ok to want help. You won't become hooked." I shook my head again. "I still don't want it. I can do this."

I was so deep in denial. I'd have another cold sweat when I got home. I'd have to deal with not having my regular fix. "I need to cut Jack out of my life." Dr Green said that I was right. "Did you think about him when you were tossing and turning?" I said no. "Dawson was on my mind. He was hurting me again. I couldn't escape him. He was holding me down." Dr Green wrote some things down. "I'll see you in the morning Ariel."

After he'd left, I cried myself to sleep. I just wanted to go home....

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