His girlfriend

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After a long hug  Anika broke a part and look at shivaay whose eyes are just stuck on her face. He raise his hand and tuck her hair back caressing her cheek lovingly

Shiv.  Everything will be fine. Nothing will happen to you.  I promise.  Hmm. Anika nods joining forehead with him

Shiv. By the way someone is being so lucky.  He tease her diverting her attention

Ani. Means she whispered looking in his eyes.

Shiv. Being my girlfriend is lucky thing isn't. and you got that chance. He grin making her hit his shoulder

Ani. You love to praise yourself.  Are not you.

Shiv.   Yh i do that's why I chose a different girl for me so that people makes me feel more special.

Ani. Oh really

Shiv. Really. He pulled her closer and peck her nose lovingly. 

Om.  Shivaay Anika he comes running there when he saw them finally after searching them for an hour.  They both look at each and got up holding  each other hands.

Om. You people are here. I was searching you all around.

Shiv.  Yh I'd got her here so thought to fix our problem as well till you get us. He said looking at anika who is standing holding his arm

Om.  Erm what's happening here.  Is there something which I missing.

Shiv. you will get to know tomorrow but right now Anika needs rest so shall we leave.

Om. Yh why not.  Come let's go. They nods and went together. 

In car

Om thought shivaay would sit besides him infront but instead of it he sat behind with anika.

Om.  Shivaay are not sitting infront. ???

Shiv. Actually no she is bit scared so.

Om. It's ok I can understand he gave smile to Anika. Through the  mirror and  drove away from there.

At hostel

As malika saw Anika she pulled her in tight hug making her break apart from shivaay who felt so angry seeing her pulling her like this. 

M. Are you ok  ani. ??

Ani. I'm fine.

M. Thank god she caresses her face and again hugged her

M. Don't worry baby. we all are with you. No one gonna even think to harm you. Ok.  She assure her caressing her hair. Anika nods sobbing on her shoulder keeping hand on her back

Ran. Anika you scared all of us.  He about to hold her hand but shivaay cAme in between and stopped him.

Shiv.  Erm I guess she needs rest so take her in malika. He said looking at ranveer 'who is feeling to punch him for always coming between them. 

M. Yh good night guys.  She about to take Anika when shivaay stopped her holding her hand

Shiv. If you need anything or feel scared then call me I'll pick up next second. Ok. he spoke caressing her fingers with his thumb which didn't go unnoticed by anyone.  Anika nods and left with malika with slow steps

Shiv. Let's go home guys

Ar. Are you ok shivaay ??

Shiv. I'm fine. Just tired he said running hand on his face controlling his emotions.  Whole day was mess for him. He  was feeling like  someone has stopped his breath. when he was not able to get her.  He was so scared to lose her but thankfully he got her at night otherwise if he won't had then surely he would had do something wrong.

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