His lady love

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After two years

A  lady is shown standing infront of window lost in her own thoughts. In those two years she saw many thingss not only her but him as well. Both faced loads of hurdles and problems in their lives.   They just made day and night one to See themselves to reach here.   They did every damn thing which was impossible to do. but being together they made it without having a little  hesitation. They had started all this having little money in their pockets.  Everyone  left their hand when they needed them. His father who's big business man in  the whole state. he  abandoned him " when he needed him most. He asked him to leave his house and never show his face afterwards. just because he asked him to accept   Them together and as he cAnt live without her but instead of understanding his point of view he ordered him to leave. if he can't obey him. He don't want that son who don't listen to him. From now on he has only one son and daughter and  he is dead for him for life time. Eventually This broke him a lot. He tried his best to win his dad back.  but no use. he didn't listen to him and threw him out of his life just because he didn't like her  to be with him .... it's not that  he stopped there. No he even closed all the door of sources which could help him to stand up.  They both were not able to get job anywhere  despite having high level degrees in their hands. They were forced to work in small places which could them get a  little money.  But one thing is ... and that's " In that time sometime she broke down being tired with all this but not him. He always held her up and made sure that they stays strong and achieve which they planning for and it's happened.  Atlast their hard work got the colour.  Both shifted Berlin as they got enough money and started their  small cafe business here and when that cafe turned into 5 big hotels they didn't realise. and now look she is standing in the biggest building of city where she always dreamt of and its all happened because of him. If he won't had been there then might it won't had happened. He always held her hand and assured her with his love.  Which made them brought here " where they always imagined off.  She smiles and look all around the city thinking about him. She is missing him terribly. he had went   Spain for a business related issue and didn't come back yet.  It's not that they don't talk. they do talk every day infect every hour. but calls are different and physically being infront of each other is different thing. If he will be Infront of her then she can hug and kiss him. but on phone she can't feel him she just can see him but can't touch him. which is hurting her more.  She just can't wait for him to come back and take her in his protective wings soothing her with his soft  soft kisses holding her tightly. she pout and  bend her head down letting the tear fell down from her eyes

I miss you Shiv please come back she sniffles playing with her locket which he has got for her.

I missed you too baby she gasp when  he takes her in back hug

Shiv ,,, she can't believe she heard his voice. No no she must be hallucinating. he can't be here no he can't be

What happened baby ??? seems like you didn't miss me.   After hearing his voice again she confirmed that he is here. She turns and got shocked seeing him standing looking all handsome in grey suit having a brightest smile on his face

Shiv she  let out cry and throw herself in his arms  holding his neck.

Baby he got worried when she started cryin having wails . 

I missed you Shiv I missed you so much she squeeze him in hug and cry more and more hiding her face in his neck.

Awww. Baby I missed you a lot also . I can't tell you how I spent those days there without you. I had told you to come with me but you didn't listen. now look how you are crying.

I'm sorry I wanted to come. but who would had handled here. she broke the hug and look at him having pout

Sh. Jaan we have 1000 of people who work for us so I guess they could had handle. 

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