She loves him

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Anika is going hurriedly towards her class when Ragini comes infront of her  blocking her way.

Ani. What do you want ??why you always get appear infront of me like ghost rags ???

R. Aww my little sister is getting  so clever ha after getting shivaay as her boyfriend . Wow I'm  impressed.  She taunt her having smirk on her face folding her arms. .

Ani.  Rags I really don't wanna talk to you so better you stay away from me. she try to go but she blocked her way again Making her sigh

Ani.  Now what???

R.  I've heard you and shivaay  fought other day.

Ani. So ??

R. So what happened between you both. I wasn't not here. as you know I went to attend wedding of my mum's relatives. so tell me what was the matter which caused you both fight.

Ani. It's non of my business ...

Ra. Why it's not my business. when you are my sister ups step sister she chuckle sarcastically

Ani. Oh really so you remember that I'm your sister after six months ha. I don't think so since I've left your home " you ever  cAme and asked me if I'm ok or not.  where I'm living and how's  my life going on. but as you got to know" I've fought with my shivaay. you cAme and started  asking me about my well being

Ra. I'm not concern about you. I'm  just curious which made him shout at you.

Because I'm over protective about my girl and I want her with me everytime every second every moment with me. Shivaay  spoke who was pet hearing their conversation and take Anika In back hug making Ragini fums in anger

Shiv. I've seen you " you are so concern about our relationship Ragini. If you are so desperate for a single boyfriend then why don't you get one for you instead of keeping eye on already committed man. He said nuzzling in Anika's  neck  making her giggle.

Ani.  Shivaay let it be.  Don't need to waste time on useless people like her . Come let's go.  Have you forgotten we are going trip as well tomorrow

Shiv. And I'm so  excited for this. Anyways rags  we are getting  late so we will discuss about this  later. let's go baby he slid his hand around her waist and left from there happily talking with each other. 

In hostel

Ani. What should I wear this or that she said showing shivaay jumping around.

Shivaay smiles and pulled her on top of him holding her waist tightly

Ani. What you doing shivaay she started breaking heavily because of their proximity

Shiv. Nothing I'm just wondering why you are so beautiful and cute on same time. he said playing with the her locks

Ani. Shut up Shiv and help me to choose dress for  tomorrow.

Shiv. You wear whatever you want.  It will look good on you. he said tracing  fingers on her face pulling her closer 

Ani.  Am I ???

Shiv. Yes.  He caresses her face and  suck her lips gently.  Anika  blush and kept her head on his chest hugging him tightly.

Aham ahm.  Love birds if your  romance is done  then  please mr shivaay you  may leave. Hostel Door is going to get close in five minutes.

Shiv. Kabab Mein Haddi. He  groan and got up looking at malika being annoyed

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