Protective shiv

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M. Where is Anika shivaay. Malika says to him when she didn't find her around.

Erm she went home for getting ready after arranging everything.

Is she fine. I mean she had fever yesterday.

Sh. Oh yes she is fine now. Don't worry.

M. That's good. otherwise i was really worried for her knowing how much she is ill.

She took proper rest yesterday. Which caused her to get fine early. He says patting her back

By the way I'm impressed. She says smiling at him I mean you changed. a lot since you have realised you love Anika. Infect you started liking me as well. She grin

Yes I started liking you after realising how much you care about my Anika

Good good you should like your future sister in law. She is the only one who can convince your love of life to get back with you. she winks resting her arm on his shoulder.

Will you?? He smiles brightly after knowing she will help him to get Anika

I will definitely. But if you promise me that you will never hurt Anika again and will love her more than anything.

I promise I will take care of Anika. I will make sure that she get all which she deserves.

Glad to hear. Anyways do you need drink I can  get for you.

No thank you , you enjoy. Malika nods and left from there.

Where's this Anika ??? why she didn't come yet. He look at his watch and turn to go to get her. but stopped when she saw her entering in there. A smile erupted on his face seeing her looking gorgeous in white dress. Which made her shining like moon between  the people making her look different from all of them

  Which made her shining like moon between  the people making her look different from all of them

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  Shiv. Anika. He couldn't control himself and about to head towards her but suddenly he stopped when he saw Ranveer behind her who seems really happy. Anger run through his veins seeing them together. He grit his teeth and march towards them fastly having fire in his eyes

Anika. He goes towards her and hold her hand making her look in his eyes

What you doing with him. ???

I was passing by her flat so I picked her up. Why ?what happened?? Is there any problem  mr obeori. He said giving him tight smile.

Anika if you needed the ride. then you could had asked me. I would had picked you up.

An. I was going to but ....

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