They left their house

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You bastard he hold his collar and started throwing slaps on his face without showing mercy on him.

What the hell are you doing shivaay stop it. Don't make issue here. Anika try to pull him back. but he is in so much anger that he is not seeing anything infront of him and beating him blue and back Screaming on top voice

I had warned you before that don't ever come infront of me. but no you entered In my family and laid your eyes on my sister after my love. How dare you ... how dare you Ranveer. He about to punch him but in meantime he hold his hand and smack his face making him fell in Anika's arm

I didn't enter your fuckin house. It's your dad" who let  me in. He wanted me to marry your sister. so that his and my dad's business get more stronger. That's why he made me engaged with your sister. And about Anika then I've forgot her. I don't want her anymore. I'm good with your sister and will really want to Marry her. He says rolling  his eyes back

You will marry me my sister ha youuuuu. Who the fuck told you I'll let you do it. I would never let my sister hand go in your fuckin hold. She is my sister and she will do whatever I will say to her.

She won't do what you will say To her. She will do that which your father will order. You people are puppet of your father. You will do it whatever he will say to you. today if he will say her to marry me. then she will do it without uttering a single word. And it's not that I'm saying in illusion. It will definitely happen. he screams making prinku shocked with his statement.

We are not puppet of our dad. We have enough strong opinion to keep infront of him. Might she got agreed because She respects him. but that's doesn't mean she can't say no.she can say it. My sister is strong  enough to have her own thoughts. Prinku let's go with me. Today itself you will say no to dad. Come let's go

But bhiya he won't agree. Her eyes moist holding his hand

Sh. He will. Trust your brother come let's go.

Prinku you will break our engagement. Ranveer says glaring her.

Yes I will do. I'm not gonna marry guy like my dad " who don't respect my decision. Here is your fuckin ring. I don't want this shit in my finger. she says throwing on his face making him shock

Shiv. Come let's go. He hold her hand and try to go. but Anika stopped him holding his hand

Ani. I'll come with you.

Come let's go he hold her palm and left from there being so angry on ranveer and his dad " who are ruining his sister's life for their own motives . . Seeing them going all his friends follow him along with Ranveer who got in tension thinking about his dad "who gonna kill him after knowing engagement has got finished.

At oberoi mansion

Dad dadddd he scream entering there gaining all people attention who were in the hall.

P. Shivaay pinky's eyes beams seeing her son after years. She about to run towards him but stopped seeing her husband who glares her " eyeing her to stop.

What the hell are you doing in my house. Didn't I say to you that my house doors are closed. Shakti screams on top of the voice folding his hands on his back

Yes they are closed and I want them to close for life time. but today I'm here for my sister. How dare you dad ... how dare you to give my sister's hand To that bastard. You knew that how big asshole he is. Still you chose to fix my sister's alliance with him.

I can do whatever i feel like. she is my daughter and I know what's right for her and what's wrong. You are no one to say anything about it. He stated while scoffing.

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