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All are happily dancing around on the beat of
Doll along with grooms. who seems so excited for their wedding. Their happiness is reflecting from their eyes and big smiles " which is not leaving their faces any moment. after all they are getting marry with their loves of lives " whom with they dreamt to spend their lives.

Seeing them shining in happiness " pinky remove evil eyes rotating money around their heads and gave to khana for distributing Ik poor.

Mom that's enough nothing will happen now. Everything will go good. Shivaay says side hugging Arnav who nods settling his turban.

I know that but still I don't want anyone put bad eyes on you both. She says caressing their heads.

Ar. I guess we shouldn't let them wait more. We should move.

You don't wanna do more wait or you ?? Rudra wink making him blush.

P. Don't tease my kids Rudy. And let them enjoy their time.

Yes mom is right. Shivaay says kissing her Forehead.

Arn. Shall we move. Shivaay nods and walk towards entrance along with all people . But soon they got confused when they found none on the door. Its feeling like no one is prepared for their welcome.

What's happening here. Shivaay clutch his heart seeing the scenario Infront of him. Instead of standing in the door they all are gathered around the alter.

P. Shivay Arnav can you check please. I'm not getting good vibes. Shivaay gave him tense look and walk inside with Arnav

What's happening. They ask people but no one answered but gave them worried look.

Malika . As malika heard arnav's voice she come out from her mother's arms and run towards him.

Arnav .... she take his name and take him In hug

What happened baby why are you Crying. ??? Shivaay look around and got confused not finding anika anywhere.

Where is ani.... he look at her having fear in his eyes and started looking around for her

Sh. Ani Anika ,,, malika where is ani. Why she is not here. What's happening here ???

M. Woh Shivay woh

Sh. Will you answer where is my Anika he screams frustratedly not able to get answer from her.

M. Ranveer.... ranveer took her. Saying this she break down into tears.

WhAttttt??? What did you say. He says marching towards her fastly having anger in his eyes

H h ... he had cAme before  half and hour.  He was so angry. Me and Anika was in room when he entered.  Anika had opened the door. As he entered he started man handling her. I tried  to go to him.  but he kept gun on Anika's head and said he will kill her. if I come near. I kept telling him. don't do don't do. but he didn't listen and took Anika with him hitting her head. He said tell shivaay " Anika is his and he will make sure that he Make her his.   I'm sorry shivaay I tried my best but that bastard didn't listen to me.  Please save my friend shivaay. I don't want her to get hurt Please.  That beast will harm her for sure. if she didn't listen to him she plead infront of shivaay having thick hiccups.

Ranveer  Ranveer. You didn't do right thing with us. You didn't. You fuckin gonna pay for your shit. He fetch out his phone and  call him  directly. On first bell only he picked it up laughing full heartedly.

Shivaay shivaay shivaay. I knew that you gonna call. Now look you did. I was waiting for you only mera yar. He says laughing evilly making shivaay hell mad on him

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