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Calm down shivaay. if you will cry like this then how  you will take care of Anika.  Arnav says patting his back slowly consoling him.

I can't see her like this. It's all happened because of me. If I won't had left her hand then might today she won't had been landing in this situation. That bastard got courage to harm her because of me. It's all my fault. I'm so bad so bad. He sobs crying like baby in his arms

Stop being ridiculous shivaay.  It's not true at all. You haven't had any fault.  It was him who always been planning against you. Om says breaking hug with him holding his arms

Ar. He is right. he never wanted to see you with anika. That's why he always did this. You know that how much jealous he was from you.   But right now you have to be strong for yourself and for Anika she needed you most.  So be brave and take care of her.

Sh. If she didn't talk to me then.    I mean she would be angry because of dad with me isn't. He sobs

She won't I promise.   Don't think rubbish. Arnav says holding his shoulder assuring him. 

Sh.  I won't leave her hand ever whether whatever happens.

You shouldn't.  You should never. Now go inside. Shivaay nods and immediately went inside the ward having fast steps. 

He comes in and saw his angel is sleeping having Bruise on her forehead while her wrist  is having bandage around it.   He is feeling so sad seeing her like this. He didn't expect her to be so weak. She was always his strong Anika" who need been afraid of anything. but today because of that asshole" she landed in trouble and got weak.  He didn't do right  thing with her.  He shouldn't had harmed his Anika. He has to pay for his every and each deed.  If he didn't show him hell  in his life then his name is not shivaay singh oberoi. He sniffles wiping his tears and goes towards her with slow steps.  He pulled the stool and take place there caressing her head lovingly without hurting her. 

Anika sniffs  and move her neck having disturbance in sleep.

Anika he got worried seeing her like this.

Baby relax. Are you alright. He  soothe her  holding her hand  gently Ani Open Your eyes  look I'm here.  Your Shiv is here with you. Open your eyes baby.  Anika gasp  hearing his voice and open her eyes having blood shot.

Anika look here. Look" he hold her face and made her look at him.

Shiv she  calls his name and started crying  hysterically having hiccups.  

Shshsh it's ok no one can harm you. I'm here I'm here. He set besides her and take her in his   Arms rubbing her back continuously.

I would never let him harm you. Don't be scared. I'm here with you baby. I will always be here.  He caresses her hair and kissed her numerous times soothing her.

He hit me Shiv. I was so scared she hiccups complaining him like a child.

Don't worry jaan I will make sure that he get a good treatment  for his Cruelty .  If I didn't make him see stars in a day then. my name is not shivaay singh oberoi.  Your Shiv is here so don't be scared at all hmm he cups her face and kissed her forehead  lingering his lips little longer.

I'm sorry  she pout acutely making him smile. 

You don't need to be sorry for anything.  You didn't have any  fault. Anika nods and hide her face in his  neck wrapping  her arms around  him.  Shivaay  smiles and  peck her head squeezing her tightly in his arms. 

After couple of minutes

As Anika remember everything whatever happen  hours ago she broke the hug and bend her head down playing with sheet.

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