Deku's Tree

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 The holidays are near and the two certain families in the same neighborhood decided to get together to decorate a tree.

"Kaachan! Tinsel belongs on the trees."

"But I am decorating a tree. A really pretty tree."

Deku blushes. She glances around and sees all 3 adults stare at the two of them. She hides her face away from Katsuki's hands and into the box of ornaments his parents left out.

Her mother giggles as she keeps on sewing together popcorn and dried fruit.

 Katsuki's parents continue on hanging more ornaments on the tree as the couple keeps chasing one another.

"Get back here, Shitty Deku! I wanna see if this star lights up on your head!"
"Nooo! My hair might catch on fire if you come any closer. I'll go bald!"

"I'll still love you bald."

That catches her off guard. She skids to a stop, but ends up slipping on the wooden floor. Katsuki notices this and reaches out to catch her. Both of them end up falling on the floor and he manages to land on his ass.

 "Fuuuuuck! That's gonna bruise!"

 "Kaachan! Are you alright?! Do we need to get you the hospital?! Mom-"

As she's about to get up to get her phone, Katsuki pulls her back down and hugs her.

"It's not that bad geez."


He smothers his face into her neck, causing her to squeak and turn brighter red. As he's about to leave a hickey on her neck, his mom comes by and hits him on the head.

"Get a hold of yourself! There are adults in this room!"

"What the hell, Old Hag! I wasn't going to do anything!" 

"Save it for later!"

 Deku laughs at the parent and son going at it. This might be a great Christmas.

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