Morning with Deku

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I had this idea for awhile but @matlalcoatl helped get this flowing

It was bright and beautiful morning. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and the silence was-



The peace was interrupted by Katsuki and his mother, Bakugou Mitsuki.

"Kacchan? Why are you yelling so early in the morning?" Deku yawned.

His situation was not looking any better. In his bed was Izuku Midoriya clad in his white shirt, hair tangled from last night. Her bottom half was covered by Katsuki's red blanket, but anyone can assume what's underneath. She has a dazed look on her face, rubbing her eyes to wake herself up.

The first thing she sees is an angry Bakugou Mitsuki hovering over them.

"YOU FUCKING GOT HER PREGNANT, DIDN'T YOU!" She screamed at her son.

Izuku's face lit up like a bulb.

"I DID NOT GET HER FUCKING PREGNANT!" Katsuki yelled back.

Izuku whimpered, "B-Bakugou-san, p-please calm down. We did nothing even related to what you're suggesting."

Mitsuki's anger started to dissipate when she saw the girl start to tear up. Katsuki caught on her fear and turned around to soothe it.

"D-Did I do something wrong?" She asked, looking at Katsuki.

His eyes widened. "N-No! Of course not! It's my fault for not taking you home last night." He apologized.

He then brought her into an embrace and rubbed small circles on her back.

Mitsuki never saw this side of her son before. He's yelling or hitting her. He actually even hugged her! He never even hugs his own parents!

"I'm sorry for scaring you. I hope he didn't do anything rash last night." She glared at Katsuki, who sent a glare of his own back at her.

She blushed at her, her sniffles being muffled by her boyfriend's shoulder. "D-Don't worry. We were only studying." She assured the older Bakugou. Mitsuki couldn't tell if she was lying or not, but still left the room to go make them breakfast. They sighed in relief. They thought she was going to keep yelling at them

Izuku shivered, "Can you shut the window? I'm a bit cold."

Katsuki smirked. He pushed her shoulders down onto the bed and got on top of her, keeping her pinned to the bed. His hair fell to cover his eyes, creating a shadow over his face.

Izuku yelled as she fell back. Her messy hair sprawled around her on his pillow. Surprise and confusion were written on her face.

"Let me warm you up then, Izuku." Before she could reply back, he leaned down to kiss her. She couldn't run away from the kiss. The more she struggled against him, the harder he kissed back. She had to eventually give in and kiss back. She even allowed his tongue to dance with hers.

She was slowly losing air, but Katsuki won't allow her to break off the kiss. She brought her hands to his back and softly patted it to signal she wanted oxygen. He obediently pulled away from her lips. He grinned at her swollen lips and flushed face. She looked away from his gaze.

"I-I'm feeling w-warmer now. T-Thanks..." She lied.

His grin got even wider at her lie.

"I don't think you're warm enough." Katsuki smirked as he disconnected their joined hands and put his weight on top of her.

Izuku gasped, "Kacchan! You're crushing me!" She squirmed under his weight.

"You'll live" He simply said as he started to plant kisses on her neck. Kisses turned into licks and licks turned into sucking.

"S-Stop. You'll leave a mark." Izuku whined.

"Let the whole fucking world see then." He sucked even harder at her skin. Her whole face was glowing red and only encouraged it by her moaning. He continued to suck until it bruised, soothing it by gentle licks. He was about to leave another hickey until-

"YOU TWO BETTER NOT BE FUCKING UP THERE! COME DOWN HERE FOR BREAKFAST!" Katsuki's mother yelled from the kitchen.

They both blushed at their current position but didn't move an inch. Katsuki sighed as he pushed himself off Izuku. He was about to head downstairs but Izuku latched onto the back of his shirt. He turned towards her and smiled. Her eyes pleaded towards Kacchan. He leaned forward and softly kissed her. She smiled into the kiss, immediately kissing back. He snaked his arms around her waist and she around his neck. She broke the kiss after a few minutes.

"Good morning, Kacchan." She smiled.

"Good morning, Deku." He smiled back.

He got up from the bed and stretched a bit, relieving his tense muscles. He then started walking towards the door to get breakfast. He had a smug look on his face for some odd reason.

"By the way, did your chest grow bigger?"


Thanks to everyone who supports this story!

 [ EDIT : if you want to personally chat with me , please do so on my profile / conversations / announcements area as the notif on this story is so horrible , - ]

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