Valetine from Deku

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Katsuki Bakugou hates Valentine's Day. He's so bitter on Valentine's Day. It's a day for cavities and depression. He hates the color pink and hates flowers.

In the past he used to do this routine where any gift he got on Valentine's Day, he would burn them in his backyard. Stupid Deku kept getting him chocolate even though he did that.

Even though he has a girlfriend now to shower with hugs and love, he still hates Valentine's Day. Puts so much pressure on him to get a gift back on White Day.

Okay, maybe he is hiding his nervousness with all this bitterness and anger but he can't help it. If his girlfriend gets the best gift ever then he has got to get one too. He loves her to death but her standards for gifts have risen. She isn't demanding or anything but she will hide her displeasure with a fake smile and that would just kill him on the inside.

Hopefully she has not gone overboard this year. Last year was the best ever but all that work for White Day was exhausting. He had school but he still ran around getting everything prepared for her!

Today is Valentine's Day and he is nervous for what's to come.

The bell rung to end the school day but he did not want to get out of his seat.

"Baku-bro! What are you still doing sitting? The bell rang and it's time to go!"

Kirishima curiously asked as he got up to go home.

"Fucking shut it! I'm going! I'm going!"

Katsuki yelled as he got up and raced out of the classroom without him.

He didn't want to face her yet. He wasn't mentally prepared for whatever she had planned today.

When he walked outside, he already spotted her fluffy, green hair bouncing around outside the gates.

Okay, he can do this. He won't screw up anything up for her. This is for her. This is for her.

He slowly walked towards her and as he approached she spotted him, her eyes sparkling at the sight of him as if he was the rarest jewel in the treasure box.

"Kacchan! Kacchan! Happy Valentine's Day!"

She yelled once he got outside the gates.

She raced up to him and jumped into his arms excitedly, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

Not good. She's excited and happy, more PDA than usual. She has something special up her sleeves.

He had to drop his handbag to catch her because unlike Izuku with her cute yellow backpack, he has to carry his bag around. He noticed she dropped something too but just kept hugging her to make sure she's happy.

"I'm so excited for today! I have so much planned and there is so little time! We gotta get home and change and then I gotta-"

She kept rambling on and on but he couldn't keep up with her speed.

He silenced her yapping with a small peck on the lips that made her face blow up in a red hue. She stopped speaking and hugging but laced their fingers together to lead them home.

They went their separate ways to go home and change for the special occasion. He decided on casual dressy. He still sagged his black jeans but they looked fucking hot on him and he knew she liked them too. He wore a red button down, keeping a few buttons loose on the collar, along with his favorite black leather jacket. He just wore his red sneakers with them because he had no other shoes. He combed his hair a bit to keep it tamed but it ultimately did not work because of how messy it is.

After freshening himself up, he locked the house and went to hers next door to his. He knocked one on the door and waited for a few minutes.

Just then there were a few crashes and he even heard something break. He could hear his girlfriend muttering and cursing a bit which made him smile.

Finally, the door opened and he was greeted with a disheveled Izuku. She wore something entirely different from her usual outfits. Most of it was covered by a stained pink apron but she wore a yellow sundress with white knee high socks. Her long green hair was down and curlier than usual, framing that adorable face of hers and making her seem so much younger.

"K-Kacchan! I was going to call you to let you know when but you came early. A few things aren't ready yet but you can come in!"

She hurriedly said as she opened the door wider for him.

Katsuki grinned and walked right in.

Just then the fire alarm starting blaring off. Cursing, Deku quickly sprinted towards the kitchen and pulled out something from the oven.

"It's burnt now."

She mourned.

Katsuki started opening the windows to get rid of the smell and ran over to help her.

"I'm really sorry. It wasn't supposed to look like this."

She apologized, showing him the black chicken she tried to cook.

He laughed at her failed attempt but grabbed a fork and picked up a piece of it to put into his mouth.

"Actually doesn't taste that shitty. At least you didn't burn the rest of the food."

He joked as he pointed to the table where there were other various foods she probably prepared.

"Thanks Kacchan. I love you."

She sniffed as she went up to hug him again the second time of the day.

"You can just make it up to me tonight when I stay over."

He smirked as he stole her breath away with one single kiss.

He really doesn't need her to prepare fancy shit or to dress up. They don't need to do some Valetine's Day cliche shit from the sappy movies,

He just wants her all to himself.

This is all unedited! I did this all today and yesterday! I forgot it was Valetine's Day today so I had to quickly put something together for you guys! This is my Valetine to you guys! I'm really sorry how bad it is but the next chapter will be better! Also check out Truly Villainous for better writing and editing! Watch out for updates on this and My Purpose!

 [ EDIT : if you want to personally chat with me , please do so on my profile / conversations / announcements area as the notif on this story is so horrible , - ]

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