Pancakes and Deku

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Prompt : post/177881454691/imagine-your-otp-eating-pancakes-for-dinner

Izuku's eyes blearily opened. She saw the tv still on, playing a rerun of Pokemon. Her head laid on the pillow on the couch. She recognized the living room as her boyfriend's. The neurons in her brain did not compute anything other than that. She still trying to figure out why she was here. Her mind slowly pieced together her memories of what happened before the current situation.

She now remembered what happened. She was staying over at her boyfriend's place for the weekend after school. His parents are away for the night so it is just her and Katsuki. His parents don't trust him to stay with her but she managed to convince them that she will be home early and that they will not do anything. Well, what they don't know will not hurt them.

She blushed as she buried her face into the pillow and recollected on the events that took place only a few hours ago. Ignorance is bliss and she hopes they didn't leave any evidence. It's already embarrassing enough for your boyfriend's mom to call you to go pick up your clothes left in her son's room. She never wants another humiliating experience like that again. Thank goodness they did not do anything too extreme.

They decided to end the night with a few seasons of Pokemon. Season 1 of course because Season 22 sucks and she will fight you on that fact. She remembered the episode of Ash leaving Pikachu before she fell asleep, which she's mad about because that is the greatest episode of Season 1 and is the saddest episode. She will go on Twitter and fight everyone who disagrees—with please and thank you's of course.

There were a very fuzzy in between activities that they will never share to another living soul but Izuku's heart warms at how intimate it was.

She then smells something. It's sweet but very comforting. It reminds her of a lazy morning where she would have nothing to do all day. There's also a maple smell that goes with it. Her mouth is already watering at the recognition.

It's pancakes. Her mouth waters at the thought of them. She's already uncovering herself and walking towards the kitchen before she even registers the action.

It's a very domestic setting. Katsuki making pancakes at late at night while listening to very quiet music that she was not able to hear before. She could hear his light humming and him drumming his hands on the spatula he's using to flip he pancakes. Too bad he's not wearing an apron and it would have been more complete.

She dopily smiled at this scene and immediately needed to do something to quench the fire in her heart. She went up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He seized up at the moment of contact between them—which kind of hurt—then melted into goo when he realizes it's just her.

"Hey babe. You finally woke up? I made you dinner."

"I wish I woke up sooner. I missed out on all the fun."

She pouted.

"Go back to sleep. I'll bring it to you."

Katsuki tried to coax her, but she only pouted more and shook her head.

"I want to stay with you. It's so cold."

Katsuki sighed and turned off the stove.

"Do you want some hot chocolate to go with your pancakes?"

She shook her head at first but then she immediately regretted it. She wants something to warm her up and something sweet. It must have shown on her face because he went to the fridge and got out the carton of milk to pour into a mug. He popped that into the microwave and they waited in peaceful silence.

Few minutes later the microwave rang and her boyfriend took it out without even being fazed of how hot it is. He went to a cabinet and took out a bar of chocolate to put into her milk to melt and mix with it. He even greedily popped one into his mouth. He gave her the cup while he went over to finish the pancakes. Soon, there was a high stack of pancakes drenched in syrup for her to enjoy. She immediately dug into it with vigor.

"Goddamn, you act like I don't feed you every single day."

He joked, which is rare for the great Katsuki Bakugou.

"Because you leave me to fend for myself and to eat school food."

I fired back.

"Better be grateful their shitty food is decent and that your mom is such a great cook."

"Hey! Don't bring my mom into this. I love her cooking!"

She laughed while playfully shoving him. What a mistake that became. He wrapped his arms around her and started tickling her sides—she's so weak against him. She started giggling, clutching her sides, trying to protect them from the evil hands that kept attacking them.

"Kacchan! Stop! I'm sorry!"

"Suffer the consequences, Deku!"


She managed to escape his tickle and ran towards the living room, hiding behind the couch.

"Okay. Okay. I'll stop. It's already late enough and we'll be tired in the morning."

He resigned, going back into the kitchen to warm up the hot chocolate.

She sighed in relief and collapsed on the couch and waited for her hot chocolate to come out the microwave.

"Do you want to continue watching Pokémon or do you want to find something else?"

The microwave rang.

"Let's watch something else. Want to watch some new anime? I've heard The Rising of the Shield Hero is a really good one."

He suggested as he gave Izuku her hot chocolate and sat down next to her.

"Yay! That sounds awesome!"

She squealed as she cuddled up right next to him.

He softly smiled at her and laid a kiss on her forehead.

"Please don't drool too much on me."

She pouted at this statement.

Okay so everyone. I think I want to take this another different route? How would you guys like to see me do very tumblr stuff like make up AUs for you guys to write or live-stream and answer questions while I write a new chapter?

Let me know if this is a good idea and if you guys would want to participate. I'm willing to make an Instagram or a twitter account dedicated to writing. You guys can vote on a new prompt for this story, get spoilers, help me with writing, or anything you guys suggest.

I think this would be a great way for you guys to keep interacting with each other and me.

Let me know if you guys use Twitter more or Instagram more. Also let me know if you would follow my account if I were to make one.

Edit : Adding onto the idea of live-streams, would you guys be interested in seeing those? If you guys are open to that idea then I have another question : Are you guys willing to see me live-stream on YouTube? I have a channel on there that is very inactive, but we could do live-streams and you guys can interact with each other and I can answer any questions!

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