Saving Deku

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He has been waiting outside this school for too long.

Bakugou leaned up against the gates, sighing as he played a game on his phone. He is currently battling a gym leader with his ferocious Charizard on Pokémon Go. He won't admit it but he is a Pokémon geek. He will just yell very loudly and avoid the question. He is a geek at heart.

Since he has been friends with Deku for years, he was eventually swept up by her geek habits. First it was Pokémon then Marvel then Anime. He's been through it all, but gets fun entertainment and lots of kissing in the end.

He smiled at the remembrance of his childhood with Deku. She always looked geeky ever since they were young, just an adorable geek that happens to be currently dating him. He wouldn't change that for anything. They've been together for so long, it was just a matter of time and sucking down his continuously-growing ego to confess to her. He was a shaky, quivering tomato when he confessed to her. Luckily, she only cried and said yes while still looking like a damn model. How did they ever end up together?

He glanced down at his phone, checking the current time. It was already an hour after dismissal. She never takes this long, only taking 30 minutes to finish up her shit before joining him.

She is always full of energy when it comes to school. She was so eager and excited about the student council that she talked all night about it on the phone with him. Talks a mile a minute but still gets tongue-tied after they make out.

He started to get a bit anxious. Something could be happening inside that building and he was just outside of it, being too fucking oblivious. Bad thoughts and scenarios started running through his brain. He is a bit paranoid when it comes to his girlfriend.

"Fuck this school. I hope I don't have to enter it ever again." He muttered to himself as he walked pass the gates and into the building.

He wandered through the halls to see which one was the student council. A lot of people stayed after today. Most of them took one glance at him and started a whisper chain throughout the hallways.

He came right from Yuuei and didn't bother to change out of his uniform.

Yuuei Academy is the most well known school in Japan. People have done interviews and reports about it. Too famous for its own good. Being surrounded by the press and cameras wasn't the ideal first day.

He decided to give up on finding the student council and went upstairs towards her classroom. This hallway had less students and was a bit quiet. He could still hear the chatter from downstairs. He was almost to her classroom when he heard,

"Please stop. I'm just trying to go home."

His feet stopped walking. He knows that sweet, angelic voice.

"What's wrong, babe? You don't wanna have fun with us?"

"Of course not!"

His nose flared in anger, a growl rumbled in his chest. Some little shit was trying to hit on HIS GIRLFRIEND! He ran towards her classroom and slammed open the door. Two faces turned in direction, surprised by his appearance, but he only cared about one face, Izuku Midoriya. Her face changed from surprise to relief, but her attacker's face looked at him, curiously and a bit irritated. Bakugou's anger rose when he saw the guy hold Izuku's wrist.

"YOU BASTARD!" Bakugou yelled at him.

He flinched at the intensity of his voice, but then straighten up and sent a glare at him, trying to seem intimidating. He looked like a brat who got his candy stolen. Bakugou sent a glare back, wishing he could incinerate him while Izuku sighed at the predicament, this seemed so one-sided. It was obvious who was going to be victorious in the end.

"Who are you supposed to be?" The unknown male snapped at Bakugou.


He ripped the guy's hand off her wrist and protectively wrapped his arms around her waist. He even snarled at him to emphasize his point.

The poor guy was shaking, fear overcame his whole body and he looked like he wanted to sob. He started running out of the classroom, probably to the bathroom because he looked like he almost peed his pants.

Bakugou had a triumphant smirk on his face after. Izuku turned around in his arms and glared, irritated but relieved at the results. They stared at each other for a bit, trying to communicate telepathically.

"That wasn't very nice of you." She voiced her silent message.

"I don't give a shit. He was trying to steal you away from me." He growled possessively as he tightened his grip on her.

She winced at the pressure but still smiled at him.

"Why are you worrying about that? I love you and only you. He isn't going to take me away from you." She reassured him.

He blushed at this but brought her closer to his chest to hide it. She giggled at this, knowing what he was trying to do, but just returned the hug. She is glad he came. She did not want to be taken away from him. They have been through so much that it would break her heart to end it now.

She looked up at him, "I want to go home now. Bake me cookies?" She pleaded with baby doll eyes.

His heart melted at her request. He can't deny her if she asks like that. He wanted to protect his precious girlfriend from the world.

He pecked her on the forehead, "Of course. I just need some ingredients. Let's buy some now."

He grabbed her bag, carrying it along with his and extended his palm towards her. She appreciated the gesture but instead wrapped her arms around his unoccupied arm, leaning her head on his shoulder. He didn't resist her warmth and walked out with her clinging to his arm.

Thank you for your positive comments! It has motivated me to actually write this chapter. Constructive criticism is allowed. Unfortunately, this series is not a priority. It is just a fun series to write and helps with my writing skills. I am currently working on many stories at once and have given up many stories to focus on my main stories and this one. My main story is My Purpose, which is a Izuku X Katsuki story, and Magical Bites, which is a collab. There is more of this ship coming in different types of stories so be on the lookout!

 [ EDIT : if you want to personally chat with me , please do so on my profile / conversations / announcements area as the notif on this story is so horrible , - ]

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